
public final class VoxelShapes


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
private static final VoxelShape
public static final VoxelShape
private static final VoxelShape

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public static VoxelShape
public static VoxelShape
public static VoxelShape
a(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5)
method_1081(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5)
cuboid(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5)
func_197873_a(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5)
create(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5)
public static VoxelShape
a(crw arg0)
method_1078(class_238 arg0)
cuboid(Box arg0)
func_197881_a(AxisAlignedBB arg0)
private static int
a(double arg0, double arg1)
method_1086(double arg0, double arg1)
findRequiredBitResolution(double arg0, double arg1)
func_197885_a(double arg0, double arg1)
protected static long
a(int arg0, int arg1)
method_1079(int arg0, int arg1)
lcm(int arg0, int arg1)
func_197877_a(int arg0, int arg1)
public static VoxelShape
a(csv arg0, csv arg1)
method_1084(class_265 arg0, class_265 arg1)
union(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1)
func_197872_a(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1)
public static VoxelShape
a(csv arg0, csv... arg1)
method_17786(class_265 arg0, class_265... arg1)
union(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape... arg1)
func_216384_a(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape... arg1)
public static VoxelShape
a(csv arg0, csv arg1, csf arg2)
method_1072(class_265 arg0, class_265 arg1, class_247 arg2)
combineAndSimplify(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1, BooleanBiFunction arg2)
func_197878_a(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1, IBooleanFunction arg2)
public static VoxelShape
b(csv arg0, csv arg1, csf arg2)
method_1082(class_265 arg0, class_265 arg1, class_247 arg2)
combine(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1, BooleanBiFunction arg2)
func_197882_b(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1, IBooleanFunction arg2)
public static boolean
c(csv arg0, csv arg1, csf arg2)
method_1074(class_265 arg0, class_265 arg1, class_247 arg2)
matchesAnywhere(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1, BooleanBiFunction arg2)
func_197879_c(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1, IBooleanFunction arg2)
private static boolean
a(csn arg0, csn arg1, csn arg2, csk arg3, csk arg4, csf arg5)
method_1071(class_255 arg0, class_255 arg1, class_255 arg2, class_251 arg3, class_251 arg4, class_247 arg5)
matchesAnywhere(DoubleListPair arg0, DoubleListPair arg1, DoubleListPair arg2, VoxelSet arg3, VoxelSet arg4, BooleanBiFunction arg5)
func_197874_a(IDoubleListMerger arg0, IDoubleListMerger arg1, IDoubleListMerger arg2, VoxelShapePart arg3, VoxelShapePart arg4, IBooleanFunction arg5)
public static double
a(fa$a arg0, crw arg1, Stream<csv> arg2, double arg3)
method_1085(class_2350$class_2351 arg0, class_238 arg1, Stream<class_265> arg2, double arg3)
calculateMaxOffset(Direction$Axis arg0, Box arg1, Stream<VoxelShape> arg2, double arg3)
func_212437_a(Direction$Axis arg0, AxisAlignedBB arg1, Stream<VoxelShape> arg2, double arg3)
public static double
a(fa$a arg0, crw arg1, bhp arg2, double arg3, csg arg4, Stream<csv> arg5)
method_17945(class_2350$class_2351 arg0, class_238 arg1, class_1941 arg2, double arg3, class_3726 arg4, Stream<class_265> arg5)
calculateSoftOffset(Direction$Axis arg0, Box arg1, ViewableWorld arg2, double arg3, EntityContext arg4, Stream<VoxelShape> arg5)
func_216383_a(Direction$Axis arg0, AxisAlignedBB arg1, IWorldReader arg2, double arg3, ISelectionContext arg4, Stream<VoxelShape> arg5)
private static double
a(crw arg0, bhp arg1, double arg2, csg arg3, eu arg4, Stream<csv> arg5)
method_17944(class_238 arg0, class_1941 arg1, double arg2, class_3726 arg3, class_2335 arg4, Stream<class_265> arg5)
method_17944(Box arg0, ViewableWorld arg1, double arg2, EntityContext arg3, AxisCycleDirection arg4, Stream<VoxelShape> arg5)
func_216386_a(AxisAlignedBB arg0, IWorldReader arg1, double arg2, ISelectionContext arg3, AxisRotation arg4, Stream<VoxelShape> arg5)
private static int
a(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2)
method_17943(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2)
method_17943(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2)
func_216385_a(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2)
public static VoxelShape
a(csv arg0, fa arg1)
method_16344(class_265 arg0, class_2350 arg1)
method_16344(VoxelShape arg0, Direction arg1)
func_216387_a(VoxelShape arg0, Direction arg1)
public static boolean
b(csv arg0, csv arg1, fa arg2)
method_1080(class_265 arg0, class_265 arg1, class_2350 arg2)
method_1080(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1, Direction arg2)
func_204642_b(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1, Direction arg2)
public static boolean
b(csv arg0, csv arg1)
method_20713(class_265 arg0, class_265 arg1)
method_20713(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1)
func_223416_b(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1)
protected static VoxelShapeMerger
a(int arg0, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg1, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg2, boolean arg3, boolean arg4)
method_1069(int arg0, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg1, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg2, boolean arg3, boolean arg4)
createListPair(int arg0, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg1, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg2, boolean arg3, boolean arg4)
func_199410_a(int arg0, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg1, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg2, boolean arg3, boolean arg4)
public static boolean
a(csv arg0, csv arg1, fa arg2)
method_1083(class_265 arg0, class_265 arg1, class_2350 arg2)
method_1083(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1, Direction arg2)
func_197875_a(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1, Direction arg2)