public class ComposterBlock

extends Block implements WorldlyContainerHolder

All mapped superinterfaces:

ItemLike, WorldlyContainerHolder


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
public static final IntegerProperty
public static final it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2FloatMap<ItemLike>
private static final VoxelShape
private static final VoxelShape[]

Constructor summary

public (BlockBehaviour$Properties arg0)

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public static void
private static void
a(float arg0, brw arg1)
add(float arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_17753(float arg0, class_1935 arg1)
registerCompostableItem(float levelIncreaseChance, ItemConvertible item)
func_220290_a(float arg0, IItemProvider arg1)
public VoxelShape
b(ceh arg0, brc arg1, fx arg2, dcs arg3)
getShape(BlockState arg0, BlockGetter arg1, BlockPos arg2, CollisionContext arg3)
method_9530(class_2680 arg0, class_1922 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_3726 arg3)
getOutlineShape(BlockState arg0, BlockView arg1, BlockPos arg2, ShapeContext arg3)
func_220053_a(BlockState arg0, IBlockReader arg1, BlockPos arg2, ISelectionContext arg3)
public VoxelShape
a_(ceh arg0, brc arg1, fx arg2)
getInteractionShape(BlockState arg0, BlockGetter arg1, BlockPos arg2)
method_9584(class_2680 arg0, class_1922 arg1, class_2338 arg2)
getRaycastShape(BlockState arg0, BlockView arg1, BlockPos arg2)
func_199600_g(BlockState arg0, IBlockReader arg1, BlockPos arg2)
public VoxelShape
c(ceh arg0, brc arg1, fx arg2, dcs arg3)
getCollisionShape(BlockState arg0, BlockGetter arg1, BlockPos arg2, CollisionContext arg3)
method_9549(class_2680 arg0, class_1922 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_3726 arg3)
getCollisionShape(BlockState arg0, BlockView arg1, BlockPos arg2, ShapeContext arg3)
func_220071_b(BlockState arg0, IBlockReader arg1, BlockPos arg2, ISelectionContext arg3)
public void
b(ceh arg0, brx arg1, fx arg2, ceh arg3, boolean arg4)
onPlace(BlockState arg0, Level arg1, BlockPos arg2, BlockState arg3, boolean arg4)
method_9615(class_2680 arg0, class_1937 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_2680 arg3, boolean arg4)
onBlockAdded(BlockState arg0, World arg1, BlockPos arg2, BlockState arg3, boolean arg4)
func_220082_b(BlockState arg0, World arg1, BlockPos arg2, BlockState arg3, boolean arg4)
onPlace(IBlockData arg0, World arg1, BlockPosition arg2, IBlockData arg3, boolean arg4)
public InteractionResult
a(ceh arg0, brx arg1, fx arg2, bfw arg3, aot arg4, dcj arg5)
use(BlockState arg0, Level arg1, BlockPos arg2, Player arg3, InteractionHand arg4, BlockHitResult arg5)
method_9534(class_2680 arg0, class_1937 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_1657 arg3, class_1268 arg4, class_3965 arg5)
onUse(BlockState arg0, World arg1, BlockPos arg2, PlayerEntity arg3, Hand arg4, BlockHitResult arg5)
func_225533_a_(BlockState arg0, World arg1, BlockPos arg2, PlayerEntity arg3, Hand arg4, BlockRayTraceResult arg5)
interact(IBlockData arg0, World arg1, BlockPosition arg2, EntityHuman arg3, EnumHand arg4, MovingObjectPositionBlock arg5)
public static BlockState
a(ceh arg0, aag arg1, bmb arg2, fx arg3)
insertItem(BlockState arg0, ServerLevel arg1, ItemStack arg2, BlockPos arg3)
method_26373(class_2680 arg0, class_3218 arg1, class_1799 arg2, class_2338 arg3)
compost(BlockState state, ServerWorld world, ItemStack stack, BlockPos pos)
func_235486_a_(BlockState arg0, ServerWorld arg1, ItemStack arg2, BlockPos arg3)
public static BlockState
d(ceh arg0, brx arg1, fx arg2)
extractProduce(BlockState arg0, Level arg1, BlockPos arg2)
method_26374(class_2680 arg0, class_1937 arg1, class_2338 arg2)
emptyFullComposter(BlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos)
func_235489_d_(BlockState arg0, World arg1, BlockPos arg2)
private static BlockState
d(ceh arg0, bry arg1, fx arg2)
empty(BlockState arg0, LevelAccessor arg1, BlockPos arg2)
method_17759(class_2680 arg0, class_1936 arg1, class_2338 arg2)
emptyComposter(BlockState state, WorldAccess world, BlockPos pos)
func_235490_d_(BlockState arg0, IWorld arg1, BlockPos arg2)
private static BlockState
b(ceh arg0, bry arg1, fx arg2, bmb arg3)
addItem(BlockState arg0, LevelAccessor arg1, BlockPos arg2, ItemStack arg3)
method_17756(class_2680 arg0, class_1936 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_1799 arg3)
addToComposter(BlockState state, WorldAccess world, BlockPos pos, ItemStack item)
func_235487_b_(BlockState arg0, IWorld arg1, BlockPos arg2, ItemStack arg3)
public void
a(ceh arg0, aag arg1, fx arg2, Random arg3)
tick(BlockState arg0, ServerLevel arg1, BlockPos arg2, Random arg3)
method_9588(class_2680 arg0, class_3218 arg1, class_2338 arg2, Random arg3)
scheduledTick(BlockState arg0, ServerWorld arg1, BlockPos arg2, Random arg3)
func_225534_a_(BlockState arg0, ServerWorld arg1, BlockPos arg2, Random arg3)
tickAlways(IBlockData arg0, WorldServer arg1, BlockPosition arg2, Random arg3)
public boolean
a(ceh arg0)
hasAnalogOutputSignal(BlockState arg0)
method_9498(class_2680 arg0)
hasComparatorOutput(BlockState arg0)
func_149740_M(BlockState arg0)
isComplexRedstone(IBlockData arg0)
public int
a(ceh arg0, brx arg1, fx arg2)
getAnalogOutputSignal(BlockState arg0, Level arg1, BlockPos arg2)
method_9572(class_2680 arg0, class_1937 arg1, class_2338 arg2)
getComparatorOutput(BlockState arg0, World arg1, BlockPos arg2)
func_180641_l(BlockState arg0, World arg1, BlockPos arg2)
protected void
a(cei$a<buo, ceh> arg0)
createBlockStateDefinition(StateDefinition$Builder<Block, BlockState> arg0)
method_9515(class_2689$class_2690<class_2248, class_2680> arg0)
appendProperties(StateManager$Builder<Block, BlockState> arg0)
func_206840_a(StateContainer$Builder<Block, BlockState> arg0)
public boolean
a(ceh arg0, brc arg1, fx arg2, cxe arg3)
isPathfindable(BlockState arg0, BlockGetter arg1, BlockPos arg2, PathComputationType arg3)
method_9516(class_2680 arg0, class_1922 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_10 arg3)
canPathfindThrough(BlockState arg0, BlockView arg1, BlockPos arg2, NavigationType arg3)
func_196266_a(BlockState arg0, IBlockReader arg1, BlockPos arg2, PathType arg3)
public WorldlyContainer
a(ceh arg0, bry arg1, fx arg2)
getContainer(BlockState arg0, LevelAccessor arg1, BlockPos arg2)
method_17680(class_2680 arg0, class_1936 arg1, class_2338 arg2)
getInventory(BlockState arg0, WorldAccess arg1, BlockPos arg2)
func_219966_a(BlockState arg0, IWorld arg1, BlockPos arg2)
public static void
a(brx arg0, fx arg1, boolean arg2)
handleFill(Level arg0, BlockPos arg1, boolean arg2)
method_18027(class_1937 arg0, class_2338 arg1, boolean arg2)
playEffects(World world, BlockPos pos, boolean fill)
func_220292_a(World arg0, BlockPos arg1, boolean arg2)