public abstract class RecipeProvider


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
protected final HolderLookup$Provider
private final HolderGetter<Item>
protected final RecipeOutput
private static final Map<BlockFamily$Variant, RecipeProvider$FamilyRecipeProvider>

Constructor summary

protected (HolderLookup$Provider registries, RecipeOutput exporter)

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
protected abstract void
protected void
a(cst arg0)
generateForEnabledBlockFamilies(FeatureFlagSet arg0)
method_46207(class_7699 arg0)
generateFamilies(FeatureSet enabledFeatures)
m_247051_(C_243488_ arg0)
protected void
a(dhh arg0, dhh arg1, String arg2)
oneToOneConversionRecipe(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1, String arg2)
method_36444(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1, String arg2)
offerSingleOutputShapelessRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input, String group)
m_176556_(C_1595_ p_176559_, C_1595_ p_176560_, String arg2)
protected void
a(dhh arg0, dhh arg1, String arg2, int arg3)
oneToOneConversionRecipe(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1, String arg2, int arg3)
method_36445(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1, String arg2, int arg3)
offerShapelessRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input, String group, int outputCount)
m_176551_(C_1595_ p_176554_, C_1595_ p_176555_, String p_369925_, int arg3)
protected void
a(List<dhh> arg0, pa arg1, dhh arg2, float arg3, int arg4, String arg5)
oreSmelting(List<ItemLike> arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, float arg3, int arg4, String arg5)
method_36233(List<class_1935> arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, float arg3, int arg4, String arg5)
offerSmelting(List<ItemConvertible> inputs, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, float experience, int cookingTime, String group)
m_246272_(List<C_1595_> p_250588_, C_243442_ p_251868_, C_1595_ p_250789_, float p_252144_, int p_251687_, String arg5)
protected void
b(List<dhh> arg0, pa arg1, dhh arg2, float arg3, int arg4, String arg5)
oreBlasting(List<ItemLike> arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, ItemLike arg2, float arg3, int arg4, String arg5)
method_36234(List<class_1935> arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1935 arg2, float arg3, int arg4, String arg5)
offerBlasting(List<ItemConvertible> inputs, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, float experience, int cookingTime, String group)
m_245412_(List<C_1595_> p_248846_, C_243442_ p_249735_, C_1595_ p_248783_, float p_250303_, int p_251984_, String arg5)
private <T extends AbstractCookingRecipe> void
a(dco<T> arg0, dbk$a<T> arg1, List<dhh> arg2, pa arg3, dhh arg4, float arg5, int arg6, String arg7, String arg8)
oreCooking(RecipeSerializer<T> arg0, AbstractCookingRecipe$Factory<T> arg1, List<ItemLike> arg2, RecipeCategory arg3, ItemLike arg4, float arg5, int arg6, String arg7, String arg8)
method_36232(class_1865<T> arg0, class_1874$class_3958<T> arg1, List<class_1935> arg2, class_7800 arg3, class_1935 arg4, float arg5, int arg6, String arg7, String arg8)
offerMultipleOptions(RecipeSerializer<T> serializer, AbstractCookingRecipe$RecipeFactory<T> recipeFactory, List<ItemConvertible> inputs, RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, float experience, int cookingTime, String group, String suffix)
m_245809_(C_1471_<T> p_312098_, C_1451_$C_301894_<T> p_249619_, List<C_1595_> p_251154_, C_243442_ p_250066_, C_1595_ p_251871_, float p_251316_, int p_251450_, String p_249236_, String arg8)
protected void
a(cxl arg0, pa arg1, cxl arg2)
netheriteSmithing(Item arg0, RecipeCategory arg1, Item arg2)
method_29728(class_1792 arg0, class_7800 arg1, class_1792 arg2)
offerNetheriteUpgradeRecipe(Item input, RecipeCategory category, Item result)
m_246630_(C_1381_ p_248986_, C_243442_ p_250389_, C_1381_ arg2)
protected void
a(cxl arg0, aly<dce<?>> arg1)
trimSmithing(Item arg0, ResourceKey<Recipe<?>> arg1)
method_48530(class_1792 arg0, class_5321<class_1860<?>> arg1)
offerSmithingTrimRecipe(Item input, RegistryKey<Recipe<?>> arg1)
m_284421_(C_1381_ p_364939_, C_5264_<C_1469_<?>> arg1)
protected void
a(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dhh arg2)
twoByTwoPacker(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_46209(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
offer2x2CompactingRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_247540_(C_243442_ p_252184_, C_1595_ p_249710_, C_1595_ arg2)
protected void
a(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dhh arg2, String arg3)
threeByThreePacker(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2, String arg3)
method_47521(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2, String arg3)
offerCompactingRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input, String criterionName)
m_258049_(C_243442_ p_259360_, C_1595_ p_259263_, C_1595_ p_361463_, String arg3)
protected void
b(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dhh arg2)
threeByThreePacker(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_47522(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
offerCompactingRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_257994_(C_243442_ p_259376_, C_1595_ p_259717_, C_1595_ arg2)
protected void
a(dhh arg0, ayk<cxl> arg1, int arg2)
planksFromLog(ItemLike arg0, TagKey<Item> arg1, int arg2)
method_24475(class_1935 arg0, class_6862<class_1792> arg1, int arg2)
offerPlanksRecipe2(ItemConvertible output, TagKey<Item> logTag, int count)
m_257929_(C_1595_ p_259045_, C_203208_<C_1381_> p_259471_, int arg2)
protected void
b(dhh arg0, ayk<cxl> arg1, int arg2)
planksFromLogs(ItemLike arg0, TagKey<Item> arg1, int arg2)
method_24477(class_1935 arg0, class_6862<class_1792> arg1, int arg2)
offerPlanksRecipe(ItemConvertible output, TagKey<Item> logTag, int count)
m_257424_(C_1595_ p_259818_, C_203208_<C_1381_> p_259807_, int arg2)
protected void
a(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
woodFromLogs(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_24476(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
offerBarkBlockRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_126002_(C_1595_ p_126005_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected void
b(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
woodenBoat(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_24478(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
offerBoatRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_126021_(C_1595_ p_126024_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected void
c(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
chestBoat(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_42754(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
offerChestBoatRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_236371_(C_1595_ p_236374_, C_1595_ arg1)
private RecipeBuilder
e(dhh arg0, dca arg1)
buttonBuilder(ItemLike arg0, Ingredient arg1)
method_33542(class_1935 arg0, class_1856 arg1)
createButtonRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_176658_(C_1595_ p_176660_, C_1462_ arg1)
protected RecipeBuilder
a(dhh arg0, dca arg1)
doorBuilder(ItemLike arg0, Ingredient arg1)
method_33544(class_1935 arg0, class_1856 arg1)
createDoorRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_176670_(C_1595_ p_176672_, C_1462_ arg1)
private RecipeBuilder
f(dhh arg0, dca arg1)
fenceBuilder(ItemLike arg0, Ingredient arg1)
method_33546(class_1935 arg0, class_1856 arg1)
createFenceRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_176678_(C_1595_ p_176680_, C_1462_ arg1)
private RecipeBuilder
g(dhh arg0, dca arg1)
fenceGateBuilder(ItemLike arg0, Ingredient arg1)
method_33548(class_1935 arg0, class_1856 arg1)
createFenceGateRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_176684_(C_1595_ p_176686_, C_1462_ arg1)
protected void
d(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
pressurePlate(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_32813(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
offerPressurePlateRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_176690_(C_1595_ p_176693_, C_1595_ arg1)
private RecipeBuilder
c(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dca arg2)
pressurePlateBuilder(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, Ingredient arg2)
method_32806(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1856 arg2)
createPressurePlateRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_247347_(C_243442_ p_251989_, C_1595_ p_249211_, C_1462_ arg2)
protected void
c(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dhh arg2)
slab(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_32814(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
offerSlabRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_246658_(C_243442_ p_249368_, C_1595_ p_252133_, C_1595_ arg2)
protected RecipeBuilder
a(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dca arg2)
slabBuilder(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, Ingredient arg2)
method_32804(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1856 arg2)
createSlabRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_247552_(C_243442_ p_251284_, C_1595_ p_248824_, C_1462_ arg2)
protected RecipeBuilder
b(dhh arg0, dca arg1)
stairBuilder(ItemLike arg0, Ingredient arg1)
method_32808(class_1935 arg0, class_1856 arg1)
createStairsRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_176710_(C_1595_ p_176712_, C_1462_ arg1)
protected RecipeBuilder
c(dhh arg0, dca arg1)
trapdoorBuilder(ItemLike arg0, Ingredient arg1)
method_33553(class_1935 arg0, class_1856 arg1)
createTrapdoorRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_176720_(C_1595_ p_176722_, C_1462_ arg1)
private RecipeBuilder
h(dhh arg0, dca arg1)
signBuilder(ItemLike arg0, Ingredient arg1)
method_33555(class_1935 arg0, class_1856 arg1)
createSignRecipe(ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_176726_(C_1595_ p_176728_, C_1462_ arg1)
protected void
e(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
hangingSign(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_46208(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
offerHangingSignRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_246977_(C_1595_ p_250437_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected void
a(List<cxl> arg0, List<cxl> arg1, String arg2)
colorBlockWithDye(List<Item> arg0, List<Item> arg1, String arg2)
method_51890(List<class_1792> arg0, List<class_1792> arg1, String arg2)
offerDyeableRecipes(List<Item> dyes, List<Item> dyeables, String group)
m_289596_(List<C_1381_> p_289672_, List<C_1381_> p_289641_, String arg2)
protected void
a(List<cxl> arg0, List<cxl> arg1, cxl arg2, String arg3, pa arg4)
colorWithDye(List<Item> arg0, List<Item> arg1, Item arg2, String arg3, RecipeCategory arg4)
method_62744(List<class_1792> arg0, List<class_1792> arg1, class_1792 arg2, String arg3, class_7800 arg4)
offerDyeablesRecipes(List<Item> dyes, List<Item> dyeables, Item undyed, String group, RecipeCategory category)
m_353500_(List<C_1381_> p_368703_, List<C_1381_> p_362653_, C_1381_ p_362940_, String p_368238_, C_243442_ arg4)
protected void
f(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
carpet(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_24885(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
offerCarpetRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_176716_(C_1595_ p_176719_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected void
g(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
bedFromPlanksAndWool(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_24887(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
offerBedRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible inputWool)
m_126073_(C_1595_ p_126076_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected void
h(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
banner(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_24889(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
offerBannerRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible inputWool)
m_126081_(C_1595_ p_126084_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected void
i(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
stainedGlassFromGlassAndDye(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_24890(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
offerStainedGlassDyeingRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_126085_(C_1595_ p_126088_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected void
j(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
stainedGlassPaneFromStainedGlass(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_24891(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
offerStainedGlassPaneRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_126089_(C_1595_ p_126092_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected void
k(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
stainedGlassPaneFromGlassPaneAndDye(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_24892(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
offerStainedGlassPaneDyeingRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible inputDye)
m_126093_(C_1595_ p_126096_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected void
l(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
coloredTerracottaFromTerracottaAndDye(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_24893(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
offerTerracottaDyeingRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_126097_(C_1595_ p_126100_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected void
m(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
concretePowder(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_24894(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
offerConcretePowderDyeingRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_126101_(C_1595_ p_126104_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected void
n(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
candle(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_32233(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
offerCandleDyeingRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_176542_(C_1595_ p_176545_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected void
d(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dhh arg2)
wall(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_32809(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
offerWallRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_246382_(C_243442_ p_250499_, C_1595_ p_249970_, C_1595_ arg2)
private RecipeBuilder
d(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dca arg2)
wallBuilder(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, Ingredient arg2)
method_33531(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1856 arg2)
getWallRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_245864_(C_243442_ p_250754_, C_1595_ p_250311_, C_1462_ arg2)
protected void
e(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dhh arg2)
polished(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_32810(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
offerPolishedStoneRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_245931_(C_243442_ p_250032_, C_1595_ p_250021_, C_1595_ arg2)
private RecipeBuilder
e(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dca arg2)
polishedBuilder(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, Ingredient arg2)
method_33537(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1856 arg2)
createCondensingRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_247174_(C_243442_ p_251242_, C_1595_ p_251412_, C_1462_ arg2)
protected void
f(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dhh arg2)
cut(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_32811(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
offerCutCopperRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_247059_(C_243442_ p_249686_, C_1595_ p_251100_, C_1595_ arg2)
private ShapedRecipeBuilder
f(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dca arg2)
cutBuilder(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, Ingredient arg2)
method_36547(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1856 arg2)
createCutCopperRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_245792_(C_243442_ p_251147_, C_1595_ p_251563_, C_1462_ arg2)
protected void
g(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dhh arg2)
chiseled(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_32812(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
offerChiseledBlockRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_246222_(C_243442_ p_251049_, C_1595_ p_252267_, C_1595_ arg2)
protected void
h(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dhh arg2)
mosaicBuilder(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_46212(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
offerMosaicRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_247239_(C_243442_ p_251925_, C_1595_ p_252242_, C_1595_ arg2)
protected ShapedRecipeBuilder
b(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dca arg2)
chiseledBuilder(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, Ingredient arg2)
method_32805(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1856 arg2)
createChiseledBlockRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, Ingredient input)
m_246451_(C_243442_ p_249782_, C_1595_ p_250087_, C_1462_ arg2)
protected void
i(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dhh arg2)
stonecutterResultFromBase(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2)
method_33717(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2)
offerStonecuttingRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_247600_(C_243442_ p_251265_, C_1595_ p_250033_, C_1595_ arg2)
protected void
a(pa arg0, dhh arg1, dhh arg2, int arg3)
stonecutterResultFromBase(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, ItemLike arg2, int arg3)
method_33715(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_1935 arg2, int arg3)
offerStonecuttingRecipe(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input, int count)
m_247298_(C_243442_ p_251254_, C_1595_ p_249666_, C_1595_ p_368611_, int arg3)
private void
q(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
smeltingResultFromBase(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_34662(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
offerCrackingRecipe(ItemConvertible output, ItemConvertible input)
m_176739_(C_1595_ p_176742_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected void
a(pa arg0, dhh arg1, pa arg2, dhh arg3)
nineBlockStorageRecipes(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, RecipeCategory arg2, ItemLike arg3)
method_36325(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_7800 arg2, class_1935 arg3)
offerReversibleCompactingRecipes(RecipeCategory reverseCategory, ItemConvertible baseItem, RecipeCategory compactingCategory, ItemConvertible compactItem)
m_247655_(C_243442_ p_251689_, C_1595_ p_251376_, C_243442_ p_248771_, C_1595_ arg3)
protected void
a(pa arg0, dhh arg1, pa arg2, dhh arg3, String arg4, String arg5)
nineBlockStorageRecipesWithCustomPacking(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, RecipeCategory arg2, ItemLike arg3, String arg4, String arg5)
method_36446(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_7800 arg2, class_1935 arg3, String arg4, String arg5)
offerReversibleCompactingRecipesWithCompactingRecipeGroup(RecipeCategory reverseCategory, ItemConvertible baseItem, RecipeCategory compactingCategory, ItemConvertible compactItem, String compactingId, String compactingGroup)
m_246075_(C_243442_ p_251651_, C_1595_ p_250874_, C_243442_ p_248576_, C_1595_ p_250171_, String p_249386_, String arg5)
protected void
b(pa arg0, dhh arg1, pa arg2, dhh arg3, String arg4, String arg5)
nineBlockStorageRecipesRecipesWithCustomUnpacking(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, RecipeCategory arg2, ItemLike arg3, String arg4, String arg5)
method_36449(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_7800 arg2, class_1935 arg3, String arg4, String arg5)
offerReversibleCompactingRecipesWithReverseRecipeGroup(RecipeCategory reverseCategory, ItemConvertible baseItem, RecipeCategory compactingCategory, ItemConvertible compactItem, String reverseId, String reverseGroup)
m_245261_(C_243442_ p_249101_, C_1595_ p_252036_, C_243442_ p_250886_, C_1595_ p_248768_, String p_250847_, String arg5)
private void
a(pa arg0, dhh arg1, pa arg2, dhh arg3, String arg4, String arg5, String arg6, String arg7)
nineBlockStorageRecipes(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, RecipeCategory arg2, ItemLike arg3, String arg4, String arg5, String arg6, String arg7)
method_36447(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, class_7800 arg2, class_1935 arg3, String arg4, String arg5, String arg6, String arg7)
offerReversibleCompactingRecipes(RecipeCategory reverseCategory, ItemConvertible baseItem, RecipeCategory compactingCategory, ItemConvertible compactItem, String compactingId, String compactingGroup, String reverseId, String reverseGroup)
m_247368_(C_243442_ p_250042_, C_1595_ p_248977_, C_243442_ p_251911_, C_1595_ p_250475_, String p_248641_, String p_252237_, String p_250414_, String arg7)
protected void
o(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
copySmithingTemplate(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_48533(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
offerSmithingTemplateCopyingRecipe(ItemConvertible template, ItemConvertible resource)
m_339495_(C_1595_ p_362058_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected void
d(dhh arg0, dca arg1)
copySmithingTemplate(ItemLike arg0, Ingredient arg1)
method_60922(class_1935 arg0, class_1856 arg1)
offerSmithingTemplateCopyingRecipe(ItemConvertible template, Ingredient resource)
m_266438_(C_1595_ p_363155_, C_1462_ arg1)
protected <T extends AbstractCookingRecipe> void
a(String arg0, dco<T> arg1, dbk$a<T> arg2, int arg3)
cookRecipes(String arg0, RecipeSerializer<T> arg1, AbstractCookingRecipe$Factory<T> arg2, int arg3)
method_17585(String arg0, class_1865<T> arg1, class_1874$class_3958<T> arg2, int arg3)
generateCookingRecipes(String cooker, RecipeSerializer<T> serializer, AbstractCookingRecipe$RecipeFactory<T> recipeFactory, int cookingTime)
m_126006_(String p_250529_, C_1471_<T> p_312851_, C_1451_$C_301894_<T> p_126010_, int arg3)
private <T extends AbstractCookingRecipe> void
a(String arg0, dco<T> arg1, dbk$a<T> arg2, int arg3, dhh arg4, dhh arg5, float arg6)
simpleCookingRecipe(String arg0, RecipeSerializer<T> arg1, AbstractCookingRecipe$Factory<T> arg2, int arg3, ItemLike arg4, ItemLike arg5, float arg6)
method_36448(String arg0, class_1865<T> arg1, class_1874$class_3958<T> arg2, int arg3, class_1935 arg4, class_1935 arg5, float arg6)
offerFoodCookingRecipe(String cooker, RecipeSerializer<T> serializer, AbstractCookingRecipe$RecipeFactory<T> recipeFactory, int cookingTime, ItemConvertible input, ItemConvertible output, float experience)
m_247434_(String p_251876_, C_1471_<T> p_311509_, C_1451_$C_301894_<T> p_249258_, int p_250669_, C_1595_ p_250224_, C_1595_ p_252138_, float arg6)
protected void
b(cst arg0)
waxRecipes(FeatureFlagSet arg0)
method_34854(class_7699 arg0)
offerWaxingRecipes(FeatureSet enabledFeatures)
m_176610_(C_243488_ arg0)
protected void
a(dkm arg0, dkm arg1)
grate(Block arg0, Block arg1)
method_54829(class_2248 arg0, class_2248 arg1)
offerGrateRecipe(Block output, Block input)
m_306715_(C_1706_ p_310802_, C_1706_ arg1)
protected void
b(dkm arg0, dkm arg1)
copperBulb(Block arg0, Block arg1)
method_54830(class_2248 arg0, class_2248 arg1)
offerBulbRecipe(Block output, Block input)
m_306759_(C_1706_ p_312258_, C_1706_ arg1)
protected void
a(cxl arg0, dsr arg1)
suspiciousStew(Item arg0, SuspiciousEffectHolder arg1)
method_62743(class_1792 arg0, class_7917 arg1)
offerSuspiciousStewRecipe(Item input, SuspiciousStewIngredient stewIngredient)
m_355081_(C_1381_ p_367042_, C_256711_ arg1)
protected void
a(me arg0, cst arg1)
generateRecipes(BlockFamily arg0, FeatureFlagSet arg1)
method_33535(class_5794 arg0, class_7699 arg1)
generateFamily(BlockFamily family, FeatureSet enabledFeatures)
m_176580_(C_141796_ p_312313_, C_243488_ arg1)
private Block
a(me arg0, me$b arg1)
getBaseBlock(BlockFamily arg0, BlockFamily$Variant arg1)
method_33533(class_5794 arg0, class_5794$class_5796 arg1)
getVariantRecipeInput(BlockFamily family, BlockFamily$Variant variant)
m_176523_(C_141796_ p_176525_, C_141796_$C_141798_ arg1)
private static Criterion<EnterBlockTrigger$TriggerInstance>
a(dkm arg0)
insideOf(Block arg0)
method_10422(class_2248 arg0)
requireEnteringFluid(Block block)
m_125979_(C_1706_ p_125980_)
private Criterion<InventoryChangeTrigger$TriggerInstance>
a(dj$d arg0, dhh arg1)
has(MinMaxBounds$Ints arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_35914(class_2096$class_2100 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
conditionsFromItem(NumberRange$IntRange count, ItemConvertible item)
m_176520_(C_1863_$C_1867_ p_176522_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected Criterion<InventoryChangeTrigger$TriggerInstance>
a(dhh arg0)
has(ItemLike arg0)
method_10426(class_1935 arg0)
conditionsFromItem(ItemConvertible item)
m_206406_(C_1595_ arg0)
protected Criterion<InventoryChangeTrigger$TriggerInstance>
a(ayk<cxl> arg0)
has(TagKey<Item> arg0)
method_10420(class_6862<class_1792> arg0)
conditionsFromTag(TagKey<Item> tag)
m_125977_(C_203208_<C_1381_> arg0)
private static Criterion<InventoryChangeTrigger$TriggerInstance>
a(cu$a... arg0)
inventoryTrigger(ItemPredicate$Builder... arg0)
method_53499(class_2073$class_2074... arg0)
conditionsFromPredicates(ItemPredicate$Builder... predicates)
m_126011_(C_1529_$C_1530_... p_299527_)
private static Criterion<InventoryChangeTrigger$TriggerInstance>
a(cu... arg0)
inventoryTrigger(ItemPredicate... arg0)
method_10423(class_2073... arg0)
conditionsFromItemPredicates(ItemPredicate... predicates)
m_293546_(C_1529_... p_297226_)
protected static String
b(dhh arg0)
getHasName(ItemLike arg0)
method_32807(class_1935 arg0)
hasItem(ItemConvertible item)
m_176602_(C_1595_ p_176603_)
protected static String
c(dhh arg0)
getItemName(ItemLike arg0)
method_33716(class_1935 arg0)
getItemPath(ItemConvertible item)
m_176632_(C_1595_ p_176633_)
protected static String
d(dhh arg0)
getSimpleRecipeName(ItemLike arg0)
method_36450(class_1935 arg0)
getRecipeName(ItemConvertible item)
m_176644_(C_1595_ p_176645_)
protected static String
p(dhh arg0, dhh arg1)
getConversionRecipeName(ItemLike arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_33714(class_1935 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
convertBetween(ItemConvertible to, ItemConvertible from)
m_176517_(C_1595_ p_176518_, C_1595_ p_176519_)
protected static String
e(dhh arg0)
getSmeltingRecipeName(ItemLike arg0)
method_36451(class_1935 arg0)
getSmeltingItemPath(ItemConvertible item)
m_176656_(C_1595_ p_176657_)
protected static String
f(dhh arg0)
getBlastingRecipeName(ItemLike arg0)
method_36452(class_1935 arg0)
getBlastingItemPath(ItemConvertible item)
m_176668_(C_1595_ p_176669_)
protected Ingredient
b(ayk<cxl> arg0)
tag(TagKey<Item> arg0)
method_62748(class_6862<class_1792> arg0)
ingredientFromTag(TagKey<Item> tag)
m_356026_(C_203208_<C_1381_> arg0)
protected ShapedRecipeBuilder
a(pa arg0, dhh arg1)
shaped(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_62746(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
createShaped(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output)
m_352360_(C_243442_ p_365955_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected ShapedRecipeBuilder
a(pa arg0, dhh arg1, int arg2)
shaped(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, int arg2)
method_62747(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, int arg2)
createShaped(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, int count)
m_352792_(C_243442_ p_362162_, C_1595_ p_368883_, int arg2)
protected ShapelessRecipeBuilder
a(pa arg0, cxp arg1)
shapeless(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemStack arg1)
method_62745(class_7800 arg0, class_1799 arg1)
createShapeless(RecipeCategory category, ItemStack output)
m_354512_(C_243442_ p_369370_, C_1391_ arg1)
protected ShapelessRecipeBuilder
b(pa arg0, dhh arg1)
shapeless(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1)
method_62749(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1)
createShapeless(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output)
m_355757_(C_243442_ p_361338_, C_1595_ arg1)
protected ShapelessRecipeBuilder
b(pa arg0, dhh arg1, int arg2)
shapeless(RecipeCategory arg0, ItemLike arg1, int arg2)
method_62750(class_7800 arg0, class_1935 arg1, int arg2)
createShapeless(RecipeCategory category, ItemConvertible output, int count)
m_352348_(C_243442_ p_365052_, C_1595_ p_363232_, int arg2)