private static final String | | ew | | DEFAULT_LAYER | | field_32582 | | MAIN |
private static final Set<ModelLayerLocation> | | ex | | ALL_MODELS | | field_27650 | | LAYERS |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | a | | ACACIA_BOAT | | field_54484 | | ACACIA_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | b | | ACACIA_CHEST_BOAT | | field_54487 | | ACACIA_CHEST_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | d | | ARMADILLO | | field_47876 | | ARMADILLO |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | e | | ARMADILLO_BABY | | field_52990 | | ARMADILLO_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | f | | ARMOR_STAND | | field_27586 | | ARMOR_STAND |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | g | | ARMOR_STAND_INNER_ARMOR | | field_27639 | | ARMOR_STAND_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | h | | ARMOR_STAND_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_27677 | | ARMOR_STAND_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | i | | ARMOR_STAND_SMALL | | field_53014 | | ARMOR_STAND_SMALL |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | j | | ARMOR_STAND_SMALL_INNER_ARMOR | | field_53015 | | ARMOR_STAND_SMALL_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | k | | ARMOR_STAND_SMALL_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_53016 | | ARMOR_STAND_SMALL_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | m | | AXOLOTL | | field_28383 | | AXOLOTL |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | n | | AXOLOTL_BABY | | field_53018 | | AXOLOTL_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | o | | BAMBOO_CHEST_RAFT | | field_54496 | | BAMBOO_CHEST_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | p | | BAMBOO_RAFT | | field_54497 | | BAMBOO_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | q | | STANDING_BANNER | | field_27678 | | STANDING_BANNER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | r | | STANDING_BANNER_FLAG | | field_55122 | | STANDING_BANNER_FLAG |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | s | | WALL_BANNER | | field_55123 | | WALL_BANNER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | t | | WALL_BANNER_FLAG | | field_55124 | | WALL_BANNER_FLAG |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | v | | BED_FOOT | | field_27680 | | BED_FOOT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | w | | BED_HEAD | | field_27681 | | BED_HEAD |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | y | | BEE_BABY | | field_53019 | | BEE_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | z | | BEE_STINGER | | field_53020 | | BEE_STINGER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | B | | BIRCH_BOAT | | field_54498 | | BIRCH_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | C | | BIRCH_CHEST_BOAT | | field_54499 | | BIRCH_CHEST_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | E | | BOAT_WATER_PATCH | | field_53021 | | BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | G | | BOGGED_INNER_ARMOR | | field_49160 | | BOGGED_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | H | | BOGGED_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_49161 | | BOGGED_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | I | | BOGGED_OUTER_LAYER | | field_49162 | | BOGGED_OUTER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | L | | BREEZE_WIND | | field_52153 | | BREEZE_WIND |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | N | | CAMEL_BABY | | field_52957 | | CAMEL_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | O | | CAMEL_SADDLE | | field_56079 | | CAMEL_SADDLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | P | | CAMEL_BABY_SADDLE | | field_56080 | | CAMEL_BABY_SADDLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | R | | CAT_BABY | | field_52955 | | CAT_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | S | | CAT_BABY_COLLAR | | field_52956 | | CAT_BABY_COLLAR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | T | | CAT_COLLAR | | field_27687 | | CAT_COLLAR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | U | | CAVE_SPIDER | | field_27688 | | CAVE_SPIDER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | V | | CHERRY_BOAT | | field_54482 | | CHERRY_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | W | | CHERRY_CHEST_BOAT | | field_54483 | | CHERRY_CHEST_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | Y | | CHEST_MINECART | | field_27690 | | CHEST_MINECART |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | Z | | CHICKEN | | field_27691 | | CHICKEN |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aa | | CHICKEN_BABY | | field_52958 | | CHICKEN_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ac | | COLD_PIG | | field_55864 | | COLD_PIG |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ad | | COLD_PIG_BABY | | field_55865 | | COLD_PIG_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ae | | COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART | | field_27693 | | COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | af | | CONDUIT_CAGE | | field_27694 | | CONDUIT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ag | | CONDUIT_EYE | | field_27695 | | CONDUIT_EYE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ah | | CONDUIT_SHELL | | field_27696 | | CONDUIT_SHELL |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ai | | CONDUIT_WIND | | field_27697 | | CONDUIT_WIND |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ak | | COW_BABY | | field_52959 | | COW_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | al | | CREAKING | | field_54846 | | CREAKING |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | am | | CREEPER | | field_27699 | | CREEPER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | an | | CREEPER_ARMOR | | field_27700 | | CREEPER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ao | | CREEPER_HEAD | | field_27548 | | CREEPER_HEAD |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ap | | DARK_OAK_BOAT | | field_54485 | | DARK_OAK_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aq | | DARK_OAK_CHEST_BOAT | | field_54486 | | DARK_OAK_CHEST_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ar | | DECORATED_POT_BASE | | field_42882 | | DECORATED_POT_BASE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | as | | DECORATED_POT_SIDES | | field_42883 | | DECORATED_POT_SIDES |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | at | | DOLPHIN | | field_27549 | | DOLPHIN |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | au | | DOLPHIN_BABY | | field_52969 | | DOLPHIN_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | av | | DONKEY | | field_27550 | | DONKEY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aw | | DONKEY_BABY | | field_52970 | | DONKEY_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ax | | DONKEY_SADDLE | | field_56081 | | DONKEY_SADDLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ay | | DONKEY_BABY_SADDLE | | field_56082 | | DONKEY_BABY_SADDLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | az | | DOUBLE_CHEST_LEFT | | field_27551 | | DOUBLE_CHEST_LEFT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aA | | DOUBLE_CHEST_RIGHT | | field_27552 | | DOUBLE_CHEST_RIGHT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aB | | DRAGON_SKULL | | field_27553 | | DRAGON_SKULL |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aC | | DROWNED | | field_27554 | | DROWNED |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aD | | DROWNED_BABY | | field_52971 | | DROWNED_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aE | | DROWNED_BABY_INNER_ARMOR | | field_52972 | | DROWNED_BABY_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aF | | DROWNED_BABY_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_52973 | | DROWNED_BABY_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aG | | DROWNED_BABY_OUTER_LAYER | | field_52974 | | DROWNED_BABY_OUTER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aH | | DROWNED_INNER_ARMOR | | field_27555 | | DROWNED_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aI | | DROWNED_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_27556 | | DROWNED_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aJ | | DROWNED_OUTER_LAYER | | field_27557 | | DROWNED_OUTER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aK | | ELDER_GUARDIAN | | field_27558 | | ELDER_GUARDIAN |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aL | | ELYTRA | | field_27559 | | ELYTRA |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aM | | ELYTRA_BABY | | field_52975 | | ELYTRA_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aN | | ENDERMAN | | field_27560 | | ENDERMAN |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aO | | ENDERMITE | | field_27561 | | ENDERMITE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aP | | ENDER_DRAGON | | field_27562 | | ENDER_DRAGON |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aQ | | END_CRYSTAL | | field_27563 | | END_CRYSTAL |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aR | | EVOKER | | field_27564 | | EVOKER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aS | | EVOKER_FANGS | | field_27565 | | EVOKER_FANGS |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aU | | FOX_BABY | | field_52960 | | FOX_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aW | | FURNACE_MINECART | | field_27567 | | FURNACE_MINECART |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | aZ | | GIANT_INNER_ARMOR | | field_27570 | | GIANT_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ba | | GIANT_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_27571 | | GIANT_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bb | | GLOW_SQUID | | field_28456 | | GLOW_SQUID |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bc | | GLOW_SQUID_BABY | | field_52961 | | GLOW_SQUID_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | be | | GOAT_BABY | | field_52962 | | GOAT_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bf | | GUARDIAN | | field_27572 | | GUARDIAN |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bg | | HOGLIN | | field_27573 | | HOGLIN |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bh | | HOGLIN_BABY | | field_52963 | | HOGLIN_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bi | | HOPPER_MINECART | | field_27601 | | HOPPER_MINECART |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bk | | HORSE_ARMOR | | field_27603 | | HORSE_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bl | | HORSE_SADDLE | | field_56085 | | HORSE_SADDLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bm | | HORSE_BABY | | field_52964 | | HORSE_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bn | | HORSE_BABY_ARMOR | | field_52965 | | HORSE_ARMOR_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bo | | HORSE_BABY_SADDLE | | field_56086 | | HORSE_BABY_SADDLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bq | | HUSK_BABY | | field_52966 | | HUSK_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | br | | HUSK_BABY_INNER_ARMOR | | field_52967 | | HUSK_BABY_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bs | | HUSK_BABY_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_52968 | | HUSK_BABY_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bt | | HUSK_INNER_ARMOR | | field_27605 | | HUSK_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bu | | HUSK_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_27606 | | HUSK_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bv | | ILLUSIONER | | field_27607 | | ILLUSIONER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bw | | IRON_GOLEM | | field_27608 | | IRON_GOLEM |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bx | | JUNGLE_BOAT | | field_54490 | | JUNGLE_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | by | | JUNGLE_CHEST_BOAT | | field_54491 | | JUNGLE_CHEST_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bz | | LEASH_KNOT | | field_27609 | | LEASH_KNOT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bB | | LLAMA_BABY | | field_52983 | | LLAMA_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bC | | LLAMA_BABY_DECOR | | field_52984 | | LLAMA_BABY_DECOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bD | | LLAMA_DECOR | | field_27611 | | LLAMA_DECOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bE | | LLAMA_SPIT | | field_27612 | | LLAMA_SPIT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bF | | MAGMA_CUBE | | field_27613 | | MAGMA_CUBE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bG | | MANGROVE_BOAT | | field_54492 | | MANGROVE_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bH | | MANGROVE_CHEST_BOAT | | field_54493 | | MANGROVE_CHEST_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bI | | MINECART | | field_27614 | | MINECART |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bJ | | MOOSHROOM | | field_27615 | | MOOSHROOM |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bK | | MOOSHROOM_BABY | | field_53835 | | MOOSHROOM_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bM | | MULE_BABY | | field_52985 | | MULE_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bN | | MULE_SADDLE | | field_56083 | | MULE_SADDLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bO | | MULE_BABY_SADDLE | | field_56084 | | MULE_BABY_SADDLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bP | | OAK_BOAT | | field_54488 | | OAK_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bQ | | OAK_CHEST_BOAT | | field_54489 | | OAK_CHEST_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bR | | OCELOT | | field_27617 | | OCELOT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bS | | OCELOT_BABY | | field_52986 | | OCELOT_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bT | | PALE_OAK_BOAT | | field_54847 | | PALE_OAK_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bU | | PALE_OAK_CHEST_BOAT | | field_54848 | | PALE_OAK_CHEST_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bW | | PANDA_BABY | | field_52987 | | PANDA_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bX | | PARROT | | field_27619 | | PARROT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | bY | | PHANTOM | | field_27620 | | PHANTOM |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ca | | PIGLIN | | field_27622 | | PIGLIN |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cb | | PIGLIN_BABY | | field_52976 | | PIGLIN_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cc | | PIGLIN_BABY_INNER_ARMOR | | field_52977 | | PIGLIN_BABY_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cd | | PIGLIN_BABY_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_52978 | | PIGLIN_BABY_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ce | | PIGLIN_BRUTE | | field_27623 | | PIGLIN_BRUTE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cf | | PIGLIN_BRUTE_INNER_ARMOR | | field_27624 | | PIGLIN_BRUTE_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cg | | PIGLIN_BRUTE_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_27625 | | PIGLIN_BRUTE_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ch | | PIGLIN_HEAD | | field_41382 | | PIGLIN_HEAD |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ci | | PIGLIN_INNER_ARMOR | | field_27626 | | PIGLIN_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cj | | PIGLIN_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_27574 | | PIGLIN_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ck | | PIG_BABY | | field_52988 | | PIG_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cl | | PIG_BABY_SADDLE | | field_52989 | | PIG_BABY_SADDLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cm | | PIG_SADDLE | | field_27575 | | PIG_SADDLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cn | | PILLAGER | | field_27576 | | PILLAGER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | co | | PLAYER | | field_27577 | | PLAYER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cp | | PLAYER_CAPE | | field_52980 | | PLAYER_CAPE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cq | | PLAYER_EARS | | field_52979 | | PLAYER_EARS |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cr | | PLAYER_HEAD | | field_27578 | | PLAYER_HEAD |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cs | | PLAYER_INNER_ARMOR | | field_27579 | | PLAYER_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ct | | PLAYER_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_27580 | | PLAYER_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cu | | PLAYER_SLIM | | field_27581 | | PLAYER_SLIM |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cv | | PLAYER_SLIM_INNER_ARMOR | | field_27582 | | PLAYER_SLIM_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cw | | PLAYER_SLIM_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_27583 | | PLAYER_SLIM_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cx | | PLAYER_SPIN_ATTACK | | field_27584 | | SPIN_ATTACK |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cy | | POLAR_BEAR | | field_27585 | | POLAR_BEAR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cz | | POLAR_BEAR_BABY | | field_52981 | | POLAR_BEAR_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cA | | PUFFERFISH_BIG | | field_27587 | | PUFFERFISH_BIG |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cB | | PUFFERFISH_MEDIUM | | field_27588 | | PUFFERFISH_MEDIUM |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cC | | PUFFERFISH_SMALL | | field_27589 | | PUFFERFISH_SMALL |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cD | | RABBIT | | field_27590 | | RABBIT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cE | | RABBIT_BABY | | field_52982 | | RABBIT_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cF | | RAVAGER | | field_27591 | | RAVAGER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cG | | SALMON | | field_27592 | | SALMON |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cH | | SALMON_LARGE | | field_52994 | | SALMON_LARGE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cI | | SALMON_SMALL | | field_52993 | | SALMON_SMALL |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cK | | SHEEP_BABY | | field_52995 | | SHEEP_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cL | | SHEEP_BABY_WOOL | | field_52996 | | SHEEP_BABY_WOOL |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cM | | SHEEP_WOOL | | field_27594 | | SHEEP_WOOL |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cN | | SHIELD | | field_27595 | | SHIELD |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cO | | SHULKER | | field_27596 | | SHULKER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cP | | SHULKER_BOX | | field_52997 | | SHULKER_BOX |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cQ | | SHULKER_BULLET | | field_27597 | | SHULKER_BULLET |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cR | | SILVERFISH | | field_27598 | | SILVERFISH |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cS | | SKELETON | | field_27599 | | SKELETON |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cT | | SKELETON_HORSE | | field_27600 | | SKELETON_HORSE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cU | | SKELETON_HORSE_BABY | | field_52998 | | SKELETON_HORSE_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cV | | SKELETON_HORSE_SADDLE | | field_56087 | | SKELETON_HORSE_SADDLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cW | | SKELETON_HORSE_BABY_SADDLE | | field_56088 | | SKELETON_HORSE_BABY_SADDLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cX | | SKELETON_INNER_ARMOR | | field_27651 | | SKELETON_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cY | | SKELETON_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_27652 | | SKELETON_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | cZ | | SKELETON_SKULL | | field_27653 | | SKELETON_SKULL |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | db | | SLIME_OUTER | | field_27655 | | SLIME_OUTER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dc | | SNIFFER | | field_42884 | | SNIFFER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dd | | SNIFFER_BABY | | field_52999 | | SNIFFER_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | de | | SNOW_GOLEM | | field_27656 | | SNOW_GOLEM |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | df | | SPAWNER_MINECART | | field_27657 | | SPAWNER_MINECART |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dg | | SPIDER | | field_27658 | | SPIDER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dh | | SPRUCE_BOAT | | field_54494 | | SPRUCE_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | di | | SPRUCE_CHEST_BOAT | | field_54495 | | SPRUCE_CHEST_BOAT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dk | | SQUID_BABY | | field_53000 | | SQUID_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dm | | STRAY_INNER_ARMOR | | field_27661 | | STRAY_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dn | | STRAY_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_27662 | | STRAY_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | do | | STRAY_OUTER_LAYER | | field_27663 | | STRAY_OUTER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dp | | STRIDER | | field_27664 | | STRIDER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dq | | STRIDER_SADDLE | | field_27665 | | STRIDER_SADDLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dr | | STRIDER_BABY | | field_55119 | | STRIDER_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ds | | STRIDER_BABY_SADDLE | | field_55120 | | STRIDER_BABY_SADDLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dt | | TADPOLE | | field_37936 | | TADPOLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | du | | TNT_MINECART | | field_27666 | | TNT_MINECART |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dv | | TRADER_LLAMA | | field_27667 | | TRADER_LLAMA |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dw | | TRADER_LLAMA_BABY | | field_52991 | | TRADER_LLAMA_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dx | | TRIDENT | | field_27668 | | TRIDENT |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dy | | TROPICAL_FISH_LARGE | | field_27669 | | TROPICAL_FISH_LARGE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dz | | TROPICAL_FISH_LARGE_PATTERN | | field_27670 | | TROPICAL_FISH_LARGE_PATTERN |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dA | | TROPICAL_FISH_SMALL | | field_27671 | | TROPICAL_FISH_SMALL |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dB | | TROPICAL_FISH_SMALL_PATTERN | | field_27672 | | TROPICAL_FISH_SMALL_PATTERN |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dC | | TURTLE | | field_27673 | | TURTLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dD | | TURTLE_BABY | | field_52992 | | TURTLE_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dF | | VILLAGER | | field_27675 | | VILLAGER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dG | | VILLAGER_BABY | | field_55121 | | VILLAGER_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dH | | VINDICATOR | | field_27676 | | VINDICATOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dI | | WANDERING_TRADER | | field_27627 | | WANDERING_TRADER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dJ | | WARDEN | | field_38328 | | WARDEN |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dK | | WIND_CHARGE | | field_47442 | | WIND_CHARGE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dM | | WITHER | | field_27629 | | WITHER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dN | | WITHER_ARMOR | | field_27630 | | WITHER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dO | | WITHER_SKELETON | | field_27631 | | WITHER_SKELETON |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dP | | WITHER_SKELETON_INNER_ARMOR | | field_27632 | | WITHER_SKELETON_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dQ | | WITHER_SKELETON_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_27633 | | WITHER_SKELETON_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dR | | WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL | | field_27634 | | WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dS | | WITHER_SKULL | | field_27635 | | WITHER_SKULL |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dU | | WOLF_ARMOR | | field_47877 | | WOLF_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dV | | WOLF_BABY | | field_53004 | | WOLF_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dW | | WOLF_BABY_ARMOR | | field_53005 | | WOLF_BABY_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dX | | ZOGLIN | | field_27637 | | ZOGLIN |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dY | | ZOGLIN_BABY | | field_53006 | | ZOGLIN_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | dZ | | ZOMBIE | | field_27638 | | ZOMBIE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ea | | ZOMBIE_BABY | | field_53008 | | ZOMBIE_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | eb | | ZOMBIE_BABY_INNER_ARMOR | | field_53009 | | ZOMBIE_BABY_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ec | | ZOMBIE_BABY_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_53010 | | ZOMBIE_BABY_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ed | | ZOMBIE_HEAD | | field_27640 | | ZOMBIE_HEAD |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ee | | ZOMBIE_HORSE | | field_27641 | | ZOMBIE_HORSE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ef | | ZOMBIE_HORSE_BABY | | field_53007 | | ZOMBIE_HORSE_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | eg | | ZOMBIE_HORSE_SADDLE | | field_56089 | | ZOMBIE_HORSE_SADDLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | eh | | ZOMBIE_HORSE_BABY_SADDLE | | field_56090 | | ZOMBIE_HORSE_BABY_SADDLE |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ei | | ZOMBIE_INNER_ARMOR | | field_27642 | | ZOMBIE_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ej | | ZOMBIE_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_27643 | | ZOMBIE_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ek | | ZOMBIE_VILLAGER | | field_27644 | | ZOMBIE_VILLAGER |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | el | | ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_BABY | | field_53011 | | ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | em | | ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_BABY_INNER_ARMOR | | field_53012 | | ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_BABY_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | en | | ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_BABY_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_53013 | | ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_BABY_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | eo | | ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_INNER_ARMOR | | field_27645 | | ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ep | | ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_27646 | | ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | eq | | ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN | | field_27647 | | ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | er | | ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN_BABY | | field_53001 | | ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN_BABY |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | es | | ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN_BABY_INNER_ARMOR | | field_53002 | | ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN_BABY_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | et | | ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN_BABY_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_53003 | | ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN_BABY_OUTER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | eu | | ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN_INNER_ARMOR | | field_27648 | | ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN_INNER_ARMOR |
public static final ModelLayerLocation | | ev | | ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN_OUTER_ARMOR | | field_27649 | | ZOMBIFIED_PIGLIN_OUTER_ARMOR |