
public class GsonHelper


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
private static final

Constructor summary

public ()

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public static boolean
a( arg0, String arg1)
isStringValue( arg0, String arg1)
method_15289( arg0, String arg1)
hasString( object, String element)
public static boolean
a( arg0)
isStringValue( arg0)
method_15286( arg0)
isString( element)
public static boolean
b( arg0, String arg1)
isNumberValue( arg0, String arg1)
method_34920( arg0, String arg1)
hasNumber( object, String element)
public static boolean
b( arg0)
isNumberValue( arg0)
method_15275( arg0)
isNumber( element)
public static boolean
c( arg0, String arg1)
isBooleanValue( arg0, String arg1)
method_15254( arg0, String arg1)
hasBoolean( object, String element)
public static boolean
c( arg0)
isBooleanValue( arg0)
method_34921( arg0)
isBoolean( object)
public static boolean
d( arg0, String arg1)
isArrayNode( arg0, String arg1)
method_15264( arg0, String arg1)
hasArray( object, String element)
public static boolean
e( arg0, String arg1)
isObjectNode( arg0, String arg1)
method_34923( arg0, String arg1)
hasJsonObject( object, String element)
public static boolean
f( arg0, String arg1)
isValidPrimitive( arg0, String arg1)
method_15278( arg0, String arg1)
hasPrimitive( object, String element)
public static boolean
g( arg0, String arg1)
isValidNode( arg0, String arg1)
method_15294( arg0, String arg1)
hasElement( object, String element)
public static
h( arg0, String arg1)
getNonNull( arg0, String arg1)
method_52226( arg0, String arg1)
getElement( object, String name)
public static String
a( arg0, String arg1)
convertToString( arg0, String arg1)
method_15287( arg0, String arg1)
asString( element, String name)
public static String
i( arg0, String arg1)
getAsString( arg0, String arg1)
method_15265( arg0, String arg1)
getString( object, String element)
public static String
a( arg0, String arg1, String arg2)
getAsString( arg0, String arg1, String arg2)
method_15253( arg0, String arg1, String arg2)
getString( object, String element, String defaultStr)
public static Holder<Item>
b( arg0, String arg1)
convertToItem( arg0, String arg1)
method_15256( arg0, String arg1)
asItem( element, String name)
public static Holder<Item>
j( arg0, String arg1)
getAsItem( arg0, String arg1)
method_15288( arg0, String arg1)
getItem( object, String key)
public static Holder<Item>
a( arg0, String arg1, jg<czw> arg2)
getAsItem( arg0, String arg1, Holder<Item> arg2)
method_34916( arg0, String arg1, class_6880<class_1792> arg2)
getItem( object, String key, RegistryEntry<Item> defaultValue)
public static boolean
c( arg0, String arg1)
convertToBoolean( arg0, String arg1)
method_15268( arg0, String arg1)
asBoolean( element, String name)
public static boolean
k( arg0, String arg1)
getAsBoolean( arg0, String arg1)
method_15270( arg0, String arg1)
getBoolean( object, String element)
public static boolean
a( arg0, String arg1, boolean arg2)
getAsBoolean( arg0, String arg1, boolean arg2)
method_15258( arg0, String arg1, boolean arg2)
getBoolean( object, String element, boolean defaultBoolean)
public static double
d( arg0, String arg1)
convertToDouble( arg0, String arg1)
method_34922( arg0, String arg1)
asDouble( object, String name)
public static double
l( arg0, String arg1)
getAsDouble( arg0, String arg1)
method_34927( arg0, String arg1)
getDouble( object, String element)
public static double
a( arg0, String arg1, double arg2)
getAsDouble( arg0, String arg1, double arg2)
method_34915( arg0, String arg1, double arg2)
getDouble( object, String element, double defaultDouble)
public static float
e( arg0, String arg1)
convertToFloat( arg0, String arg1)
method_15269( arg0, String arg1)
asFloat( element, String name)
public static float
m( arg0, String arg1)
getAsFloat( arg0, String arg1)
method_15259( arg0, String arg1)
getFloat( object, String element)
public static float
a( arg0, String arg1, float arg2)
getAsFloat( arg0, String arg1, float arg2)
method_15277( arg0, String arg1, float arg2)
getFloat( object, String element, float defaultFloat)
public static long
f( arg0, String arg1)
convertToLong( arg0, String arg1)
method_15263( arg0, String arg1)
asLong( element, String name)
public static long
n( arg0, String arg1)
getAsLong( arg0, String arg1)
method_22449( arg0, String arg1)
getLong( object, String name)
public static long
a( arg0, String arg1, long arg2)
getAsLong( arg0, String arg1, long arg2)
method_15280( arg0, String arg1, long arg2)
getLong( object, String element, long defaultLong)
public static int
g( arg0, String arg1)
convertToInt( arg0, String arg1)
method_15257( arg0, String arg1)
asInt( element, String name)
public static int
o( arg0, String arg1)
getAsInt( arg0, String arg1)
method_15260( arg0, String arg1)
getInt( object, String element)
public static int
a( arg0, String arg1, int arg2)
getAsInt( arg0, String arg1, int arg2)
method_15282( arg0, String arg1, int arg2)
getInt( object, String element, int defaultInt)
public static byte
h( arg0, String arg1)
convertToByte( arg0, String arg1)
method_15293( arg0, String arg1)
asByte( element, String name)
public static byte
p( arg0, String arg1)
getAsByte( arg0, String arg1)
method_34929( arg0, String arg1)
getByte( object, String element)
public static byte
a( arg0, String arg1, byte arg2)
getAsByte( arg0, String arg1, byte arg2)
method_15271( arg0, String arg1, byte arg2)
getByte( object, String element, byte defaultByte)
public static char
i( arg0, String arg1)
convertToCharacter( arg0, String arg1)
method_34924( arg0, String arg1)
asChar( element, String name)
public static char
q( arg0, String arg1)
getAsCharacter( arg0, String arg1)
method_34930( arg0, String arg1)
getChar( object, String element)
public static char
a( arg0, String arg1, char arg2)
getAsCharacter( arg0, String arg1, char arg2)
method_34914( arg0, String arg1, char arg2)
getChar( object, String element, char defaultChar)
public static BigDecimal
j( arg0, String arg1)
convertToBigDecimal( arg0, String arg1)
method_34925( arg0, String arg1)
asBigDecimal( element, String name)
public static BigDecimal
r( arg0, String arg1)
getAsBigDecimal( arg0, String arg1)
method_34931( arg0, String arg1)
getBigDecimal( object, String element)
public static BigDecimal
a( arg0, String arg1, BigDecimal arg2)
getAsBigDecimal( arg0, String arg1, BigDecimal arg2)
method_34917( arg0, String arg1, BigDecimal arg2)
getBigDecimal( object, String element, BigDecimal defaultBigDecimal)
public static BigInteger
k( arg0, String arg1)
convertToBigInteger( arg0, String arg1)
method_34926( arg0, String arg1)
asBigInteger( element, String name)
public static BigInteger
s( arg0, String arg1)
getAsBigInteger( arg0, String arg1)
method_34932( arg0, String arg1)
getBigInteger( object, String element)
public static BigInteger
a( arg0, String arg1, BigInteger arg2)
getAsBigInteger( arg0, String arg1, BigInteger arg2)
method_34918( arg0, String arg1, BigInteger arg2)
getBigInteger( object, String element, BigInteger defaultBigInteger)
public static short
l( arg0, String arg1)
convertToShort( arg0, String arg1)
method_34928( arg0, String arg1)
asShort( element, String name)
public static short
t( arg0, String arg1)
getAsShort( arg0, String arg1)
method_34933( arg0, String arg1)
getShort( object, String element)
public static short
a( arg0, String arg1, short arg2)
getAsShort( arg0, String arg1, short arg2)
method_34919( arg0, String arg1, short arg2)
getShort( object, String element, short defaultShort)
public static
m( arg0, String arg1)
convertToJsonObject( arg0, String arg1)
method_15295( arg0, String arg1)
asObject( element, String name)
public static
u( arg0, String arg1)
getAsJsonObject( arg0, String arg1)
method_15296( arg0, String arg1)
getObject( object, String element)
public static
a( arg0, String arg1, arg2)
getAsJsonObject( arg0, String arg1, arg2)
method_15281( arg0, String arg1, arg2)
getObject( object, String element, defaultObject)
public static
n( arg0, String arg1)
convertToJsonArray( arg0, String arg1)
method_15252( arg0, String arg1)
asArray( element, String name)
public static
v( arg0, String arg1)
getAsJsonArray( arg0, String arg1)
method_15261( arg0, String arg1)
getArray( object, String element)
public static
a( arg0, String arg1, arg2)
getAsJsonArray( arg0, String arg1, arg2)
method_15292( arg0, String arg1, arg2)
getArray( object, String name, defaultArray)
public static <T> T
a( arg0, String arg1, arg2, Class<? extends T> arg3)
convertToObject( arg0, String arg1, arg2, Class<? extends T> arg3)
method_15291( arg0, String arg1, arg2, Class<? extends T> arg3)
deserialize( element, String name, context, Class<? extends T> type)
public static <T> T
a( arg0, String arg1, arg2, Class<? extends T> arg3)
getAsObject( arg0, String arg1, arg2, Class<? extends T> arg3)
method_15272( arg0, String arg1, arg2, Class<? extends T> arg3)
deserialize( object, String element, context, Class<? extends T> type)
public static <T> T
a( arg0, String arg1, T arg2, arg3, Class<? extends T> arg4)
getAsObject( arg0, String arg1, T arg2, arg3, Class<? extends T> arg4)
method_15283( arg0, String arg1, T arg2, arg3, Class<? extends T> arg4)
deserialize( object, String element, T defaultValue, context, Class<? extends T> type)
public static String
d( arg0)
getType( arg0)
method_15266( arg0)
getType( element)
public static <T> T
a( arg0, Reader arg1, Class<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
fromNullableJson( arg0, Reader arg1, Class<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
method_47993( arg0, Reader arg1, Class<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
deserializeNullable( gson, Reader reader, Class<T> type, boolean lenient)
public static <T> T
b( arg0, Reader arg1, Class<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
fromJson( arg0, Reader arg1, Class<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
method_15267( arg0, Reader arg1, Class<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
deserialize( gson, Reader reader, Class<T> type, boolean lenient)
public static <T> T
a( arg0, Reader arg1,<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
fromNullableJson( arg0, Reader arg1,<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
method_47992( arg0, Reader arg1,<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
deserializeNullable( gson, Reader reader,<T> typeToken, boolean lenient)
public static <T> T
b( arg0, Reader arg1,<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
fromJson( arg0, Reader arg1,<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
method_15273( arg0, Reader arg1,<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
deserialize( gson, Reader reader,<T> typeToken, boolean lenient)
public static <T> T
a( arg0, String arg1,<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
fromNullableJson( arg0, String arg1,<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
method_15262( arg0, String arg1,<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
deserialize( gson, String content,<T> typeToken, boolean lenient)
public static <T> T
a( arg0, String arg1, Class<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
fromJson( arg0, String arg1, Class<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
method_15279( arg0, String arg1, Class<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
deserialize( gson, String content, Class<T> type, boolean lenient)
public static <T> T
b( arg0, String arg1, Class<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
fromNullableJson( arg0, String arg1, Class<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
method_47994( arg0, String arg1, Class<T> arg2, boolean arg3)
deserializeNullable( gson, String content, Class<T> type, boolean lenient)
public static <T> T
a( arg0, Reader arg1,<T> arg2)
fromJson( arg0, Reader arg1,<T> arg2)
method_15297( arg0, Reader arg1,<T> arg2)
deserialize( gson, Reader reader,<T> typeToken)
public static <T> T
a( arg0, String arg1,<T> arg2)
fromNullableJson( arg0, String arg1,<T> arg2)
method_15290( arg0, String arg1,<T> arg2)
deserialize( gson, String content,<T> typeToken)
public static <T> T
a( arg0, Reader arg1, Class<T> arg2)
fromJson( arg0, Reader arg1, Class<T> arg2)
method_15276( arg0, Reader arg1, Class<T> arg2)
deserialize( gson, Reader reader, Class<T> type)
public static <T> T
a( arg0, String arg1, Class<T> arg2)
fromJson( arg0, String arg1, Class<T> arg2)
method_15284( arg0, String arg1, Class<T> arg2)
deserialize( gson, String content, Class<T> type)
public static
a(String arg0, boolean arg1)
parse(String arg0, boolean arg1)
method_15298(String arg0, boolean arg1)
deserialize(String content, boolean lenient)
public static
a(Reader arg0, boolean arg1)
parse(Reader arg0, boolean arg1)
method_15274(Reader arg0, boolean arg1)
deserialize(Reader reader, boolean lenient)
public static
a(String arg0)
parse(String arg0)
method_15285(String arg0)
deserialize(String content)
public static
a(Reader arg0)
parse(Reader arg0)
method_15255(Reader arg0)
deserialize(Reader reader)
public static
b(String arg0)
parseArray(String arg0)
method_43679(String arg0)
deserializeArray(String content)
public static
b(Reader arg0)
parseArray(Reader arg0)
method_37165(Reader arg0)
deserializeArray(Reader reader)
public static String
e( arg0)
toStableString( arg0)
method_43680( arg0)
toSortedString( json)
public static void
a( arg0, arg1, Comparator<String> arg2)
writeValue( arg0, arg1, Comparator<String> arg2)
method_43677( arg0, arg1, Comparator<String> arg2)
writeSorted( writer, json, Comparator<String> comparator)
private static Collection<Map$Entry<String,>>
a(Collection<Map$Entry<String,>> arg0, Comparator<String> arg1)
sortByKeyIfNeeded(Collection<Map$Entry<String,>> arg0, Comparator<String> arg1)
method_43678(Collection<Map$Entry<String,>> arg0, Comparator<String> arg1)
sort(Collection<Map$Entry<String,>> entries, Comparator<String> comparator)
public static boolean
a( arg0, int arg1)
encodesLongerThan( arg0, int arg1)
method_66034( arg0, int arg1)
isTooLarge( json, int maxLength)