public class RandomPos


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
private static final int

Constructor summary

public ()

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public static BlockPos
a(azz arg0, int arg1, int arg2)
generateRandomDirection(RandomSource arg0, int arg1, int arg2)
method_31541(class_5819 arg0, int arg1, int arg2)
localFuzz(Random random, int horizontalRange, int verticalRange)
public static BlockPos
a(azz arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, double arg4, double arg5, double arg6)
generateRandomDirectionWithinRadians(RandomSource arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, double arg4, double arg5, double arg6)
method_31542(class_5819 arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, double arg4, double arg5, double arg6)
localFuzz(Random random, int horizontalRange, int verticalRange, int startHeight, double directionX, double directionZ, double angleRange)
public static BlockPos
a(iw arg0, int arg1, Predicate<iw> arg2)
moveUpOutOfSolid(BlockPos arg0, int arg1, Predicate<BlockPos> arg2)
method_31540(class_2338 arg0, int arg1, Predicate<class_2338> arg2)
upWhile(BlockPos pos, int maxY, Predicate<BlockPos> condition)
public static BlockPos
a(iw arg0, int arg1, int arg2, Predicate<iw> arg3)
moveUpToAboveSolid(BlockPos arg0, int arg1, int arg2, Predicate<BlockPos> arg3)
method_31539(class_2338 arg0, int arg1, int arg2, Predicate<class_2338> arg3)
upWhile(BlockPos pos, int extraAbove, int max, Predicate<BlockPos> condition)
public static Vec3
a(bye arg0, Supplier<iw> arg1)
generateRandomPos(PathfinderMob arg0, Supplier<BlockPos> arg1)
method_31538(class_1314 arg0, Supplier<class_2338> arg1)
guessBestPathTarget(PathAwareEntity entity, Supplier<BlockPos> factory)
public static Vec3
a(Supplier<iw> arg0, ToDoubleFunction<iw> arg1)
generateRandomPos(Supplier<BlockPos> arg0, ToDoubleFunction<BlockPos> arg1)
method_31543(Supplier<class_2338> arg0, ToDoubleFunction<class_2338> arg1)
guessBest(Supplier<BlockPos> factory, ToDoubleFunction<BlockPos> scorer)
public static BlockPos
a(bye arg0, int arg1, azz arg2, iw arg3)
generateRandomPosTowardDirection(PathfinderMob arg0, int arg1, RandomSource arg2, BlockPos arg3)
method_31537(class_1314 arg0, int arg1, class_5819 arg2, class_2338 arg3)
towardTarget(PathAwareEntity entity, int horizontalRange, Random random, BlockPos fuzz)