public class TreeFeature

extends Feature<TreeConfiguration>


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
private static final int

Constructor summary

public (com.mojang.serialization.Codec<TreeConfiguration> arg0)

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public static boolean
b(dkf arg0, iw arg1)
isVine(LevelSimulatedReader arg0, BlockPos arg1)
method_16416(class_3746 arg0, class_2338 arg1)
isVine(TestableWorld world, BlockPos pos)
public static boolean
c(dkf arg0, iw arg1)
isAirOrLeaves(LevelSimulatedReader arg0, BlockPos arg1)
method_16420(class_3746 arg0, class_2338 arg1)
isAirOrLeaves(TestableWorld world, BlockPos pos)
private static void
b(dkh arg0, iw arg1, ebg arg2)
setBlockKnownShape(LevelWriter arg0, BlockPos arg1, BlockState arg2)
method_12774(class_1945 arg0, class_2338 arg1, class_2680 arg2)
setBlockStateWithoutUpdatingNeighbors(ModifiableWorld world, BlockPos pos, BlockState state)
public static boolean
d(dkf arg0, iw arg1)
validTreePos(LevelSimulatedReader arg0, BlockPos arg1)
method_27371(class_3746 arg0, class_2338 arg1)
canReplace(TestableWorld world, BlockPos pos)
private boolean
a(dky arg0, azz arg1, iw arg2, BiConsumer<iw, ebg> arg3, BiConsumer<iw, ebg> arg4, eod$b arg5, enn arg6)
doPlace(WorldGenLevel arg0, RandomSource arg1, BlockPos arg2, BiConsumer<BlockPos, BlockState> arg3, BiConsumer<BlockPos, BlockState> arg4, FoliagePlacer$FoliageSetter arg5, TreeConfiguration arg6)
method_12775(class_5281 arg0, class_5819 arg1, class_2338 arg2, BiConsumer<class_2338, class_2680> arg3, BiConsumer<class_2338, class_2680> arg4, class_4647$class_8179 arg5, class_4643 arg6)
generate(StructureWorldAccess world, Random random, BlockPos pos, BiConsumer<BlockPos, BlockState> rootPlacerReplacer, BiConsumer<BlockPos, BlockState> trunkPlacerReplacer, FoliagePlacer$BlockPlacer blockPlacer, TreeFeatureConfig config)
private int
a(dkf arg0, int arg1, iw arg2, enn arg3)
getMaxFreeTreeHeight(LevelSimulatedReader arg0, int arg1, BlockPos arg2, TreeConfiguration arg3)
method_29963(class_3746 arg0, int arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_4643 arg3)
getTopPosition(TestableWorld world, int height, BlockPos pos, TreeFeatureConfig config)
protected void
a(dkh arg0, iw arg1, ebg arg2)
setBlock(LevelWriter arg0, BlockPos arg1, BlockState arg2)
method_13153(class_1945 arg0, class_2338 arg1, class_2680 arg2)
setBlockState(ModifiableWorld arg0, BlockPos arg1, BlockState arg2)
public final boolean
a(eko<enn> arg0)
place(FeaturePlaceContext<TreeConfiguration> arg0)
method_13151(class_5821<class_4643> arg0)
generate(FeatureContext<TreeFeatureConfig> arg0)
private static DiscreteVoxelShape
a(dka arg0, erv arg1, Set<iw> arg2, Set<iw> arg3, Set<iw> arg4)
updateLeaves(LevelAccessor arg0, BoundingBox arg1, Set<BlockPos> arg2, Set<BlockPos> arg3, Set<BlockPos> arg4)
method_23380(class_1936 arg0, class_3341 arg1, Set<class_2338> arg2, Set<class_2338> arg3, Set<class_2338> arg4)
placeLogsAndLeaves(WorldAccess world, BlockBox box, Set<BlockPos> trunkPositions, Set<BlockPos> decorationPositions, Set<BlockPos> rootPositions)
public static List<BlockPos>
a(epn$a arg0)
getLowestTrunkOrRootOfTree(TreeDecorator$Context arg0)
method_66482(class_4662$class_7402 arg0)
getLeafLitterPositions(TreeDecorator$Generator decoratorGenerator)