public final class Shapes


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
public static final double
public static final double
private static final VoxelShape
private static final Vec3
public static final VoxelShape
private static final VoxelShape

Constructor summary

public ()

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public static VoxelShape
public static VoxelShape
public static VoxelShape
a(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5)
box(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5)
method_1081(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5)
cuboid(double minX, double minY, double minZ, double maxX, double maxY, double maxZ)
public static VoxelShape
b(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5)
create(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5)
method_31943(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5)
cuboidUnchecked(double minX, double minY, double minZ, double maxX, double maxY, double maxZ)
public static VoxelShape
a(ffn arg0)
create(AABB arg0)
method_1078(class_238 arg0)
cuboid(Box box)
protected static int
a(double arg0, double arg1)
findBits(double arg0, double arg1)
method_1086(double arg0, double arg1)
findRequiredBitResolution(double min, double max)
protected static long
a(int arg0, int arg1)
lcm(int arg0, int arg1)
method_1079(int arg0, int arg1)
lcm(int a, int b)
public static VoxelShape
a(fgm arg0, fgm arg1)
or(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1)
method_1084(class_265 arg0, class_265 arg1)
union(VoxelShape first, VoxelShape second)
public static VoxelShape
a(fgm arg0, fgm... arg1)
or(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape... arg1)
method_17786(class_265 arg0, class_265... arg1)
union(VoxelShape first, VoxelShape... others)
public static VoxelShape
a(fgm arg0, fgm arg1, ffw arg2)
join(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1, BooleanOp arg2)
method_1072(class_265 arg0, class_265 arg1, class_247 arg2)
combineAndSimplify(VoxelShape first, VoxelShape second, BooleanBiFunction function)
public static VoxelShape
b(fgm arg0, fgm arg1, ffw arg2)
joinUnoptimized(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1, BooleanOp arg2)
method_1082(class_265 arg0, class_265 arg1, class_247 arg2)
combine(VoxelShape one, VoxelShape two, BooleanBiFunction function)
public static boolean
c(fgm arg0, fgm arg1, ffw arg2)
joinIsNotEmpty(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1, BooleanOp arg2)
method_1074(class_265 arg0, class_265 arg1, class_247 arg2)
matchesAnywhere(VoxelShape shape1, VoxelShape shape2, BooleanBiFunction predicate)
private static boolean
a(fge arg0, fge arg1, fge arg2, fgb arg3, fgb arg4, ffw arg5)
joinIsNotEmpty(IndexMerger arg0, IndexMerger arg1, IndexMerger arg2, DiscreteVoxelShape arg3, DiscreteVoxelShape arg4, BooleanOp arg5)
method_1071(class_255 arg0, class_255 arg1, class_255 arg2, class_251 arg3, class_251 arg4, class_247 arg5)
matchesAnywhere(PairList mergedX, PairList mergedY, PairList mergedZ, VoxelSet shape1, VoxelSet shape2, BooleanBiFunction predicate)
public static double
a(jc$a arg0, ffn arg1, Iterable<fgm> arg2, double arg3)
collide(Direction$Axis arg0, AABB arg1, Iterable<VoxelShape> arg2, double arg3)
method_1085(class_2350$class_2351 arg0, class_238 arg1, Iterable<class_265> arg2, double arg3)
calculateMaxOffset(Direction$Axis axis, Box box, Iterable<VoxelShape> shapes, double maxDist)
public static boolean
a(fgm arg0, fgm arg1, jc arg2)
blockOccludes(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1, Direction arg2)
method_1083(class_265 arg0, class_265 arg1, class_2350 arg2)
isSideCovered(VoxelShape shape, VoxelShape neighbor, Direction direction)
public static boolean
b(fgm arg0, fgm arg1, jc arg2)
mergedFaceOccludes(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1, Direction arg2)
method_1080(class_265 arg0, class_265 arg1, class_2350 arg2)
adjacentSidesCoverSquare(VoxelShape one, VoxelShape two, Direction direction)
public static boolean
b(fgm arg0, fgm arg1)
faceShapeOccludes(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1)
method_20713(class_265 arg0, class_265 arg1)
unionCoversFullCube(VoxelShape one, VoxelShape two)
protected static IndexMerger
a(int arg0, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg1, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg2, boolean arg3, boolean arg4)
createIndexMerger(int arg0, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg1, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg2, boolean arg3, boolean arg4)
method_1069(int arg0, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg1, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg2, boolean arg3, boolean arg4)
createListPair(int size, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList first, it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList second, boolean includeFirst, boolean includeSecond)
public static VoxelShape
a(fgm arg0, h arg1)
rotate(VoxelShape arg0, OctahedralGroup arg1)
method_66496(class_265 arg0, class_4990 arg1)
transform(VoxelShape shape, DirectionTransformation transformation)
public static VoxelShape
a(fgm arg0, h arg1, ffs arg2)
rotate(VoxelShape arg0, OctahedralGroup arg1, Vec3 arg2)
method_66497(class_265 arg0, class_4990 arg1, class_243 arg2)
transform(VoxelShape shape, DirectionTransformation transformation, Vec3d anchor)
static it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList
a(it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg0, boolean arg1, double arg2, double arg3)
makeAxis(it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg0, boolean arg1, double arg2, double arg3)
method_66498(it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList arg0, boolean arg1, double arg2, double arg3)
transform(it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList pointPositions, boolean flip, double component, double anchor)
public static boolean
c(fgm arg0, fgm arg1)
equal(VoxelShape arg0, VoxelShape arg1)
method_66503(class_265 arg0, class_265 arg1)
equal(VoxelShape shape1, VoxelShape shape2)
public static Map<Direction$Axis, VoxelShape>
a(fgm arg0)
rotateHorizontalAxis(VoxelShape arg0)
method_66494(class_265 arg0)
createHorizontalAxisShapeMap(VoxelShape shape)
public static Map<Direction$Axis, VoxelShape>
a(fgm arg0, ffs arg1)
rotateHorizontalAxis(VoxelShape arg0, Vec3 arg1)
method_66495(class_265 arg0, class_243 arg1)
createHorizontalAxisShapeMap(VoxelShape shape, Vec3d anchor)
public static Map<Direction$Axis, VoxelShape>
b(fgm arg0)
rotateAllAxis(VoxelShape arg0)
method_66499(class_265 arg0)
createAxisShapeMap(VoxelShape shape)
public static Map<Direction$Axis, VoxelShape>
b(fgm arg0, ffs arg1)
rotateAllAxis(VoxelShape arg0, Vec3 arg1)
method_66500(class_265 arg0, class_243 arg1)
createAxisShapeMap(VoxelShape shape, Vec3d anchor)
public static Map<Direction, VoxelShape>
c(fgm arg0)
rotateHorizontal(VoxelShape arg0)
method_66501(class_265 arg0)
createHorizontalFacingShapeMap(VoxelShape shape)
public static Map<Direction, VoxelShape>
c(fgm arg0, ffs arg1)
rotateHorizontal(VoxelShape arg0, Vec3 arg1)
method_66502(class_265 arg0, class_243 arg1)
createHorizontalFacingShapeMap(VoxelShape shape, Vec3d anchor)
public static Map<Direction, VoxelShape>
d(fgm arg0)
rotateAll(VoxelShape arg0)
method_66504(class_265 arg0)
createFacingShapeMap(VoxelShape shape)
public static Map<Direction, VoxelShape>
d(fgm arg0, ffs arg1)
rotateAll(VoxelShape arg0, Vec3 arg1)
method_66505(class_265 arg0, class_243 arg1)
createFacingShapeMap(VoxelShape shape, Vec3d anchor)
public static Map<AttachFace, Map<Direction, VoxelShape>>
e(fgm arg0)
rotateAttachFace(VoxelShape arg0)
method_66506(class_265 arg0)
createBlockFaceHorizontalFacingShapeMap(VoxelShape shape)