public class DebugPackets


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
private static final org.slf4j.Logger

Constructor summary

public ()

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public static void
a(ash arg0, jh arg1, String arg2, int arg3, int arg4)
sendGameTestAddMarker(ServerLevel arg0, BlockPos arg1, String arg2, int arg3, int arg4)
method_22318(class_3218 arg0, class_2338 arg1, String arg2, int arg3, int arg4)
addGameTestMarker(ServerWorld world, BlockPos pos, String message, int color, int duration)
public static void
a(ash arg0)
sendGameTestClearPacket(ServerLevel arg0)
method_22317(class_3218 arg0)
clearGameTestMarkers(ServerWorld world)
public static void
a(ash arg0, dgo arg1)
sendPoiPacketsForChunk(ServerLevel arg0, ChunkPos arg1)
method_19775(class_3218 arg0, class_1923 arg1)
sendChunkWatchingChange(ServerWorld world, ChunkPos pos)
public static void
a(ash arg0, jh arg1)
sendPoiAddedPacket(ServerLevel arg0, BlockPos arg1)
method_19776(class_3218 arg0, class_2338 arg1)
sendPoiAddition(ServerWorld world, BlockPos pos)
public static void
b(ash arg0, jh arg1)
sendPoiRemovedPacket(ServerLevel arg0, BlockPos arg1)
method_19777(class_3218 arg0, class_2338 arg1)
sendPoiRemoval(ServerWorld world, BlockPos pos)
public static void
c(ash arg0, jh arg1)
sendPoiTicketCountPacket(ServerLevel arg0, BlockPos arg1)
method_19778(class_3218 arg0, class_2338 arg1)
sendPointOfInterest(ServerWorld world, BlockPos pos)
private static void
d(ash arg0, jh arg1)
sendVillageSectionsPacket(ServerLevel arg0, BlockPos arg1)
method_24819(class_3218 arg0, class_2338 arg1)
sendPoi(ServerWorld world, BlockPos pos)
public static void
a(dhi arg0, bwi arg1, eul arg2, float arg3)
sendPathFindingPacket(Level arg0, Mob arg1, Path arg2, float arg3)
method_19470(class_1937 arg0, class_1308 arg1, class_11 arg2, float arg3)
sendPathfindingData(World world, MobEntity mob, Path path, float nodeReachProximity)
public static void
a(dhi arg0, jh arg1)
sendNeighborsUpdatePacket(Level arg0, BlockPos arg1)
method_19472(class_1937 arg0, class_2338 arg1)
sendNeighborUpdate(World world, BlockPos pos)
public static void
a(dhi arg0, abt arg1)
sendWireUpdates(Level arg0, RedstoneWireOrientationsDebugPayload arg1)
method_61218(class_1937 arg0, class_9831 arg1)
sendRedstoneUpdateOrder(World world, DebugRedstoneUpdateOrderCustomPayload payload)
public static void
a(dig arg0, eos arg1)
sendStructurePacket(WorldGenLevel arg0, StructureStart arg1)
method_19474(class_5281 arg0, class_3449 arg1)
sendStructureStart(StructureWorldAccess world, StructureStart structureStart)
public static void
a(dhi arg0, bwi arg1, cdf arg2)
sendGoalSelector(Level arg0, Mob arg1, GoalSelector arg2)
method_19469(class_1937 arg0, class_1308 arg1, class_1355 arg2)
sendGoalSelector(World world, MobEntity mob, GoalSelector goalSelector)
public static void
a(ash arg0, Collection<crk> arg1)
sendRaids(ServerLevel arg0, Collection<Raid> arg1)
method_20575(class_3218 arg0, Collection<class_3765> arg1)
sendRaids(ServerWorld server, Collection<Raid> raids)
public static void
a(bwg arg0)
sendEntityBrain(LivingEntity arg0)
method_19774(class_1309 arg0)
sendBrainDebugData(LivingEntity living)
public static void
a(chy arg0)
sendBeeInfo(Bee arg0)
method_23855(class_4466 arg0)
sendBeeDebugData(BeeEntity bee)
public static void
a(cnt arg0)
sendBreezeInfo(Breeze arg0)
method_54909(class_8949 arg0)
sendBreezeDebugData(BreezeEntity breeze)
public static void
a(dhi arg0, jq<ecr> arg1, fby arg2)
sendGameEventInfo(Level arg0, Holder<GameEvent> arg1, Vec3 arg2)
method_33139(class_1937 arg0, class_6880<class_5712> arg1, class_243 arg2)
sendGameEvent(World world, RegistryEntry<GameEvent> event, Vec3d pos)
public static void
a(dhi arg0, ect arg1)
sendGameEventListenerInfo(Level arg0, GameEventListener arg1)
method_33140(class_1937 arg0, class_5714 arg1)
sendGameEventListener(World world, GameEventListener eventListener)
public static void
a(dhi arg0, jh arg1, dxv arg2, duu arg3)
sendHiveInfo(Level arg0, BlockPos arg1, BlockState arg2, BeehiveBlockEntity arg3)
method_23856(class_1937 arg0, class_2338 arg1, class_2680 arg2, class_4482 arg3)
sendBeehiveDebugData(World world, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, BeehiveBlockEntity blockEntity)
private static List<String>
a(bwg arg0, long arg1)
getMemoryDescriptions(LivingEntity arg0, long arg1)
method_36157(class_1309 arg0, long arg1)
listMemories(LivingEntity entity, long currentTime)
private static String
a(ash arg0, Object arg1)
getShortDescription(ServerLevel arg0, Object arg1)
method_36156(class_3218 arg0, Object arg1)
format(ServerWorld world, Object object)
private static void
a(ash arg0, abf arg1)
sendPacketToAllPlayers(ServerLevel arg0, CustomPacketPayload arg1)
method_22319(class_3218 arg0, class_8710 arg1)
sendToAll(ServerWorld world, CustomPayload payload)