
public abstract class Settings<T extends Settings<T>>


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
private static final org.slf4j.Logger
protected final Properties

Constructor summary

public (Properties properties)

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public static Properties
b(Path arg0)
loadFromFile(Path arg0)
method_16727(Path arg0)
loadProperties(Path path)
public void
c(Path arg0)
store(Path arg0)
method_16728(Path arg0)
saveProperties(Path path)
private static <V extends Number> Function<String, V>
a(Function<String, V> arg0)
wrapNumberDeserializer(Function<String, V> arg0)
method_16721(Function<String, V> arg0)
wrapNumberParser(Function<String, V> parser)
protected static <V> Function<String, V>
a(IntFunction<V> arg0, Function<String, V> arg1)
dispatchNumberOrString(IntFunction<V> arg0, Function<String, V> arg1)
method_16722(IntFunction<V> arg0, Function<String, V> arg1)
combineParser(IntFunction<V> intParser, Function<String, V> fallbackParser)
private String
c(String arg0)
getStringRaw(String arg0)
method_16734(String arg0)
getStringValue(String key)
protected <V> V
a(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1)
getLegacy(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1)
method_16742(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1)
getDeprecated(String key, Function<String, V> stringifier)
protected <V> V
a(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1, Function<V, String> arg2, V arg3)
get(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1, Function<V, String> arg2, V arg3)
method_16741(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1, Function<V, String> arg2, V arg3)
get(String key, Function<String, V> parser, Function<V, String> stringifier, V fallback)
protected <V> Settings<T>.MutableValue<V>
b(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1, Function<V, String> arg2, V arg3)
getMutable(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1, Function<V, String> arg2, V arg3)
method_16724(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1, Function<V, String> arg2, V arg3)
accessor(String key, Function<String, V> parser, Function<V, String> stringifier, V fallback)
protected <V> V
a(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1, UnaryOperator<V> arg2, Function<V, String> arg3, V arg4)
get(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1, UnaryOperator<V> arg2, Function<V, String> arg3, V arg4)
method_16735(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1, UnaryOperator<V> arg2, Function<V, String> arg3, V arg4)
get(String key, Function<String, V> parser, UnaryOperator<V> parsedTransformer, Function<V, String> stringifier, V fallback)
protected <V> V
a(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1, V arg2)
get(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1, V arg2)
method_16737(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1, V arg2)
get(String key, Function<String, V> parser, V fallback)
protected <V> Settings<T>.MutableValue<V>
b(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1, V arg2)
getMutable(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1, V arg2)
method_16730(String arg0, Function<String, V> arg1, V arg2)
accessor(String key, Function<String, V> parser, V fallback)
protected String
a(String arg0, String arg1)
get(String arg0, String arg1)
method_16732(String arg0, String arg1)
getString(String key, String fallback)
protected String
a(String arg0)
getLegacyString(String arg0)
method_16738(String arg0)
getDeprecatedString(String key)
protected int
a(String arg0, int arg1)
get(String arg0, int arg1)
method_16726(String arg0, int arg1)
getInt(String key, int fallback)
protected Settings<T>.MutableValue<Integer>
b(String arg0, int arg1)
getMutable(String arg0, int arg1)
method_16743(String arg0, int arg1)
intAccessor(String key, int fallback)
protected int
a(String arg0, UnaryOperator<Integer> arg1, int arg2)
get(String arg0, UnaryOperator<Integer> arg1, int arg2)
method_16720(String arg0, UnaryOperator<Integer> arg1, int arg2)
transformedParseInt(String key, UnaryOperator<Integer> transformer, int fallback)
protected long
a(String arg0, long arg1)
get(String arg0, long arg1)
method_16725(String arg0, long arg1)
parseLong(String key, long fallback)
protected boolean
a(String arg0, boolean arg1)
get(String arg0, boolean arg1)
method_16740(String arg0, boolean arg1)
parseBoolean(String key, boolean fallback)
protected Settings<T>.MutableValue<Boolean>
b(String arg0, boolean arg1)
getMutable(String arg0, boolean arg1)
method_16744(String arg0, boolean arg1)
booleanAccessor(String key, boolean fallback)
protected Boolean
b(String arg0)
getLegacyBoolean(String arg0)
method_16736(String arg0)
getDeprecatedBoolean(String key)
protected Properties
protected abstract T
b(ke arg0, Properties arg1)
reload(RegistryAccess arg0, Properties arg1)
method_16739(class_5455 arg0, Properties arg1)
create(DynamicRegistryManager registryManager, Properties properties)