public class JigsawPlacement


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
static final org.slf4j.Logger
private static final int

Constructor summary

public ()

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public static Optional<Structure$GenerationStub>
a(eok$a arg0, jq<epu> arg1, Optional<alz> arg2, int arg3, jh arg4, boolean arg5, Optional<edq$a> arg6, int arg7, epy arg8, epk arg9, erw arg10)
addPieces(Structure$GenerationContext arg0, Holder<StructureTemplatePool> arg1, Optional<ResourceLocation> arg2, int arg3, BlockPos arg4, boolean arg5, Optional<Heightmap$Types> arg6, int arg7, PoolAliasLookup arg8, DimensionPadding arg9, LiquidSettings arg10)
method_30419(class_3195$class_7149 arg0, class_6880<class_3785> arg1, Optional<class_2960> arg2, int arg3, class_2338 arg4, boolean arg5, Optional<class_2902$class_2903> arg6, int arg7, class_8891 arg8, class_9778 arg9, class_9822 arg10)
generate(Structure$Context context, RegistryEntry<StructurePool> structurePool, Optional<Identifier> id, int size, BlockPos pos, boolean useExpansionHack, Optional<Heightmap$Type> projectStartToHeightmap, int maxDistanceFromCenter, StructurePoolAliasLookup aliasLookup, DimensionPadding dimensionPadding, StructureLiquidSettings liquidSettings)
m_227238_(C_213164_$C_213165_ p_227239_, C_203228_<C_207042_> p_227240_, Optional<C_5265_> p_227241_, int p_227242_, C_4675_ p_227243_, boolean p_227244_, Optional<C_2190_$C_2191_> p_227245_, int p_227246_, C_302046_ p_312146_, C_336463_ p_342449_, C_336455_ p_344414_)
private static Optional<BlockPos>
a(eps arg0, alz arg1, jh arg2, drc arg3, esn arg4, eep arg5)
getRandomNamedJigsaw(StructurePoolElement arg0, ResourceLocation arg1, BlockPos arg2, Rotation arg3, StructureTemplateManager arg4, WorldgenRandom arg5)
method_43566(class_3784 arg0, class_2960 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_2470 arg3, class_3485 arg4, class_2919 arg5)
findStartingJigsawPos(StructurePoolElement pool, Identifier id, BlockPos pos, BlockRotation rotation, StructureTemplateManager structureManager, ChunkRandom random)
m_227247_(C_207040_ p_227248_, C_5265_ p_227249_, C_4675_ p_227250_, C_1886_ p_227251_, C_213305_ p_227252_, C_2202_ p_227253_)
private static void
a(eee arg0, int arg1, boolean arg2, dzr arg3, esn arg4, dhk arg5, bam arg6, kd<epu> arg7, eog arg8, List<eog> arg9, fcs arg10, epy arg11, erw arg12)
addPieces(RandomState arg0, int arg1, boolean arg2, ChunkGenerator arg3, StructureTemplateManager arg4, LevelHeightAccessor arg5, RandomSource arg6, Registry<StructureTemplatePool> arg7, PoolElementStructurePiece arg8, List<PoolElementStructurePiece> arg9, VoxelShape arg10, PoolAliasLookup arg11, LiquidSettings arg12)
method_27230(class_7138 arg0, int arg1, boolean arg2, class_2794 arg3, class_3485 arg4, class_5539 arg5, class_5819 arg6, class_2378<class_3785> arg7, class_3790 arg8, List<class_3790> arg9, class_265 arg10, class_8891 arg11, class_9822 arg12)
generate(NoiseConfig noiseConfig, int maxSize, boolean modifyBoundingBox, ChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, StructureTemplateManager structureTemplateManager, HeightLimitView heightLimitView, Random random, Registry<StructurePool> structurePoolRegistry, PoolStructurePiece firstPiece, List<PoolStructurePiece> pieces, VoxelShape pieceShape, StructurePoolAliasLookup aliasLookup, StructureLiquidSettings liquidSettings)
m_227210_(C_213138_ p_227211_, int p_227212_, boolean p_227213_, C_2118_ p_227214_, C_213305_ p_227215_, C_141183_ p_227216_, C_212974_ p_227217_, C_4705_<C_207042_> p_227218_, C_2555_ p_227219_, List<C_2555_> p_227220_, C_3072_ p_227221_, C_302046_ p_312553_, C_336455_ p_343434_)
public static boolean
a(ash arg0, jq<epu> arg1, alz arg2, int arg3, jh arg4, boolean arg5)
generateJigsaw(ServerLevel arg0, Holder<StructureTemplatePool> arg1, ResourceLocation arg2, int arg3, BlockPos arg4, boolean arg5)
method_43729(class_3218 arg0, class_6880<class_3785> arg1, class_2960 arg2, int arg3, class_2338 arg4, boolean arg5)
generate(ServerWorld world, RegistryEntry<StructurePool> structurePool, Identifier id, int size, BlockPos pos, boolean keepJigsaws)
m_227203_(C_12_ p_227204_, C_203228_<C_207042_> p_227205_, C_5265_ p_227206_, int p_227207_, C_4675_ p_227208_, boolean p_227209_)