public class TextureMapping


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
private final Map<TextureSlot, ResourceLocation>
private final Set<TextureSlot>

Constructor summary

public ()

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public TextureMapping
a(fnw arg0, akv arg1)
put(TextureSlot arg0, ResourceLocation arg1)
method_25868(class_4945 arg0, class_2960 arg1)
put(TextureKey key, Identifier id)
m_372903_(C_370351_ p_376844_, C_5265_ arg1)
public TextureMapping
b(fnw arg0, akv arg1)
putForced(TextureSlot arg0, ResourceLocation arg1)
method_35909(class_4945 arg0, class_2960 arg1)
register(TextureKey key, Identifier id)
m_374499_(C_370351_ p_377057_, C_5265_ arg1)
public Stream<TextureSlot>
public TextureMapping
a(fnw arg0, fnw arg1)
copySlot(TextureSlot arg0, TextureSlot arg1)
method_35908(class_4945 arg0, class_4945 arg1)
copy(TextureKey parent, TextureKey child)
m_373638_(C_370351_ p_378687_, C_370351_ arg1)
public TextureMapping
b(fnw arg0, fnw arg1)
copyForced(TextureSlot arg0, TextureSlot arg1)
method_25874(class_4945 arg0, class_4945 arg1)
inherit(TextureKey parent, TextureKey child)
m_372072_(C_370351_ p_376740_, C_370351_ arg1)
public ResourceLocation
a(fnw arg0)
get(TextureSlot arg0)
method_25867(class_4945 arg0)
getTexture(TextureKey key)
m_374370_(C_370351_ arg0)
public TextureMapping
c(fnw arg0, akv arg1)
copyAndUpdate(TextureSlot arg0, ResourceLocation arg1)
method_25879(class_4945 arg0, class_2960 arg1)
copyAndAdd(TextureKey key, Identifier id)
m_373376_(C_370351_ p_378265_, C_5265_ arg1)
public static TextureMapping
a(djn arg0)
cube(Block arg0)
method_25864(class_2248 arg0)
all(Block block)
m_372427_(C_1706_ p_378382_)
public static TextureMapping
b(djn arg0)
defaultTexture(Block arg0)
method_25872(class_2248 arg0)
texture(Block block)
m_373596_(C_1706_ p_378584_)
public static TextureMapping
a(akv arg0)
defaultTexture(ResourceLocation arg0)
method_25869(class_2960 arg0)
texture(Identifier id)
m_372246_(C_5265_ p_377815_)
public static TextureMapping
b(akv arg0)
cube(ResourceLocation arg0)
method_25875(class_2960 arg0)
all(Identifier id)
m_372348_(C_5265_ p_377582_)
public static TextureMapping
c(djn arg0)
cross(Block arg0)
method_25877(class_2248 arg0)
cross(Block block)
m_372204_(C_1706_ p_377984_)
public static TextureMapping
d(djn arg0)
side(Block arg0)
method_64950(class_2248 arg0)
side(Block block)
m_372053_(C_1706_ p_375557_)
public static TextureMapping
e(djn arg0)
crossEmissive(Block arg0)
method_65299(class_2248 arg0)
crossAndCrossEmissive(Block block)
m_374181_(C_1706_ p_375522_)
public static TextureMapping
c(akv arg0)
cross(ResourceLocation arg0)
method_25880(class_2960 arg0)
cross(Identifier id)
m_374450_(C_5265_ p_378193_)
public static TextureMapping
f(djn arg0)
plant(Block arg0)
method_25881(class_2248 arg0)
plant(Block block)
m_374062_(C_1706_ p_377826_)
public static TextureMapping
g(djn arg0)
plantEmissive(Block arg0)
method_65300(class_2248 arg0)
plantAndCrossEmissive(Block block)
m_372707_(C_1706_ p_377330_)
public static TextureMapping
d(akv arg0)
plant(ResourceLocation arg0)
method_25884(class_2960 arg0)
plant(Identifier id)
m_372221_(C_5265_ p_376991_)
public static TextureMapping
h(djn arg0)
rail(Block arg0)
method_25885(class_2248 arg0)
rail(Block block)
m_373375_(C_1706_ p_378377_)
public static TextureMapping
e(akv arg0)
rail(ResourceLocation arg0)
method_25886(class_2960 arg0)
rail(Identifier id)
m_372276_(C_5265_ p_377142_)
public static TextureMapping
i(djn arg0)
wool(Block arg0)
method_25887(class_2248 arg0)
wool(Block block)
m_374218_(C_1706_ p_377999_)
public static TextureMapping
j(djn arg0)
flowerbed(Block arg0)
method_49379(class_2248 arg0)
flowerbed(Block block)
m_372578_(C_1706_ p_376315_)
public static TextureMapping
f(akv arg0)
wool(ResourceLocation arg0)
method_35911(class_2960 arg0)
wool(Identifier id)
m_373055_(C_5265_ p_378747_)
public static TextureMapping
k(djn arg0)
stem(Block arg0)
method_25888(class_2248 arg0)
stem(Block block)
m_373243_(C_1706_ p_377484_)
public static TextureMapping
a(djn arg0, djn arg1)
attachedStem(Block arg0, Block arg1)
method_25865(class_2248 arg0, class_2248 arg1)
stemAndUpper(Block stem, Block upper)
m_373370_(C_1706_ p_375438_, C_1706_ p_377349_)
public static TextureMapping
l(djn arg0)
pattern(Block arg0)
method_25890(class_2248 arg0)
pattern(Block block)
m_373107_(C_1706_ p_378069_)
public static TextureMapping
m(djn arg0)
fan(Block arg0)
method_25892(class_2248 arg0)
fan(Block block)
m_372169_(C_1706_ p_377538_)
public static TextureMapping
g(akv arg0)
crop(ResourceLocation arg0)
method_25889(class_2960 arg0)
crop(Identifier id)
m_372627_(C_5265_ p_376695_)
public static TextureMapping
b(djn arg0, djn arg1)
pane(Block arg0, Block arg1)
method_25873(class_2248 arg0, class_2248 arg1)
paneAndTopForEdge(Block block, Block top)
m_372486_(C_1706_ p_377816_, C_1706_ p_376781_)
public static TextureMapping
d(fnw arg0, akv arg1)
singleSlot(TextureSlot arg0, ResourceLocation arg1)
method_25883(class_4945 arg0, class_2960 arg1)
of(TextureKey key, Identifier id)
m_374473_(C_370351_ p_375607_, C_5265_ p_378030_)
public static TextureMapping
n(djn arg0)
column(Block arg0)
method_25894(class_2248 arg0)
sideEnd(Block block)
m_373369_(C_1706_ p_377667_)
public static TextureMapping
o(djn arg0)
cubeTop(Block arg0)
method_25896(class_2248 arg0)
sideAndTop(Block block)
m_372568_(C_1706_ p_378763_)
public static TextureMapping
p(djn arg0)
pottedAzalea(Block arg0)
method_50028(class_2248 arg0)
pottedAzaleaBush(Block block)
m_372076_(C_1706_ p_376369_)
public static TextureMapping
q(djn arg0)
logColumn(Block arg0)
method_25897(class_2248 arg0)
sideAndEndForTop(Block block)
m_373007_(C_1706_ p_378279_)
public static TextureMapping
a(akv arg0, akv arg1)
column(ResourceLocation arg0, ResourceLocation arg1)
method_25870(class_2960 arg0, class_2960 arg1)
sideEnd(Identifier side, Identifier end)
m_374333_(C_5265_ p_375631_, C_5265_ p_376410_)
public static TextureMapping
r(djn arg0)
fence(Block arg0)
method_46200(class_2248 arg0)
textureSideTop(Block block)
m_372317_(C_1706_ p_378554_)
public static TextureMapping
s(djn arg0)
customParticle(Block arg0)
method_46201(class_2248 arg0)
textureParticle(Block block)
m_374518_(C_1706_ p_377912_)
public static TextureMapping
t(djn arg0)
cubeBottomTop(Block arg0)
method_25898(class_2248 arg0)
sideTopBottom(Block block)
m_373272_(C_1706_ p_376324_)
public static TextureMapping
u(djn arg0)
cubeBottomTopWithWall(Block arg0)
method_25899(class_2248 arg0)
wallSideTopBottom(Block block)
m_373672_(C_1706_ p_377028_)
public static TextureMapping
v(djn arg0)
columnWithWall(Block arg0)
method_27168(class_2248 arg0)
wallSideEnd(Block block)
m_372460_(C_1706_ p_377232_)
public static TextureMapping
b(akv arg0, akv arg1)
door(ResourceLocation arg0, ResourceLocation arg1)
method_35910(class_2960 arg0, class_2960 arg1)
topBottom(Identifier top, Identifier bottom)
m_374323_(C_5265_ p_375948_, C_5265_ p_376042_)
public static TextureMapping
w(djn arg0)
door(Block arg0)
method_25900(class_2248 arg0)
topBottom(Block block)
m_374137_(C_1706_ p_377626_)
public static TextureMapping
x(djn arg0)
particle(Block arg0)
method_25901(class_2248 arg0)
particle(Block block)
m_373145_(C_1706_ p_375573_)
public static TextureMapping
h(akv arg0)
particle(ResourceLocation arg0)
method_25891(class_2960 arg0)
particle(Identifier id)
m_372878_(C_5265_ p_376691_)
public static TextureMapping
y(djn arg0)
fire0(Block arg0)
method_25902(class_2248 arg0)
fire0(Block block)
m_373104_(C_1706_ p_375396_)
public static TextureMapping
z(djn arg0)
fire1(Block arg0)
method_25903(class_2248 arg0)
fire1(Block block)
m_374501_(C_1706_ p_378277_)
public static TextureMapping
A(djn arg0)
lantern(Block arg0)
method_25904(class_2248 arg0)
lantern(Block block)
m_373610_(C_1706_ p_378649_)
public static TextureMapping
B(djn arg0)
torch(Block arg0)
method_25905(class_2248 arg0)
torch(Block block)
m_372709_(C_1706_ p_378663_)
public static TextureMapping
i(akv arg0)
torch(ResourceLocation arg0)
method_25893(class_2960 arg0)
torch(Identifier id)
m_373970_(C_5265_ p_378365_)
public static TextureMapping
a(djn arg0, String arg1, String arg2)
trialSpawner(Block arg0, String arg1, String arg2)
method_55307(class_2248 arg0, String arg1, String arg2)
trialSpawner(Block block, String side, String top)
m_373279_(C_1706_ p_376710_, String p_377856_, String p_375601_)
public static TextureMapping
a(djn arg0, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3, String arg4)
vault(Block arg0, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3, String arg4)
method_56887(class_2248 arg0, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3, String arg4)
vault(Block block, String front, String side, String top, String bottom)
m_372094_(C_1706_ p_376379_, String p_376806_, String p_377906_, String p_377742_, String p_376382_)
public static TextureMapping
a(cwm arg0)
particleFromItem(Item arg0)
method_25862(class_1792 arg0)
particle(Item item)
m_373566_(C_1381_ p_376776_)
public static TextureMapping
C(djn arg0)
commandBlock(Block arg0)
method_25906(class_2248 arg0)
sideFrontBack(Block block)
m_372278_(C_1706_ p_378327_)
public static TextureMapping
D(djn arg0)
orientableCube(Block arg0)
method_25907(class_2248 arg0)
sideFrontTopBottom(Block block)
m_374029_(C_1706_ p_378234_)
public static TextureMapping
E(djn arg0)
orientableCubeOnlyTop(Block arg0)
method_25908(class_2248 arg0)
sideFrontTop(Block block)
m_373408_(C_1706_ p_378414_)
public static TextureMapping
F(djn arg0)
orientableCubeSameEnds(Block arg0)
method_25909(class_2248 arg0)
sideFrontEnd(Block block)
m_372617_(C_1706_ p_377990_)
public static TextureMapping
G(djn arg0)
top(Block arg0)
method_25910(class_2248 arg0)
top(Block top)
m_372594_(C_1706_ p_376969_)
public static TextureMapping
c(djn arg0, djn arg1)
craftingTable(Block arg0, Block arg1)
method_25878(class_2248 arg0, class_2248 arg1)
frontSideWithCustomBottom(Block block, Block bottom)
m_372109_(C_1706_ p_378375_, C_1706_ p_375901_)
public static TextureMapping
d(djn arg0, djn arg1)
fletchingTable(Block arg0, Block arg1)
method_25882(class_2248 arg0, class_2248 arg1)
frontTopSide(Block frontTopSideBlock, Block downBlock)
m_373394_(C_1706_ p_378723_, C_1706_ p_376734_)
public static TextureMapping
a(String arg0)
snifferEgg(String arg0)
method_50027(String arg0)
snifferEgg(String age)
m_373674_(String p_375695_)
public static TextureMapping
H(djn arg0)
campfire(Block arg0)
method_27167(class_2248 arg0)
campfire(Block block)
m_372492_(C_1706_ p_377895_)
public static TextureMapping
a(djn arg0, boolean arg1)
candleCake(Block arg0, boolean arg1)
method_32231(class_2248 arg0, boolean arg1)
candleCake(Block block, boolean lit)
m_372508_(C_1706_ p_378344_, boolean p_376676_)
public static TextureMapping
j(akv arg0)
cauldron(ResourceLocation arg0)
method_32232(class_2960 arg0)
cauldron(Identifier content)
m_372902_(C_5265_ p_377720_)
public static TextureMapping
a(boolean arg0)
sculkShrieker(boolean arg0)
method_42753(boolean arg0)
sculkShrieker(boolean canSummon)
m_372654_(boolean p_377001_)
public static TextureMapping
b(cwm arg0)
layer0(Item arg0)
method_25871(class_1792 arg0)
layer0(Item item)
m_374466_(C_1381_ p_378728_)
public static TextureMapping
I(djn arg0)
layer0(Block arg0)
method_25911(class_2248 arg0)
layer0(Block block)
m_374180_(C_1706_ p_376340_)
public static TextureMapping
k(akv arg0)
layer0(ResourceLocation arg0)
method_25895(class_2960 arg0)
layer0(Identifier id)
m_374328_(C_5265_ p_378501_)
public static TextureMapping
c(akv arg0, akv arg1)
layered(ResourceLocation arg0, ResourceLocation arg1)
method_48529(class_2960 arg0, class_2960 arg1)
layered(Identifier layer0, Identifier layer1)
m_372834_(C_5265_ p_376621_, C_5265_ p_377249_)
public static TextureMapping
a(akv arg0, akv arg1, akv arg2)
layered(ResourceLocation arg0, ResourceLocation arg1, ResourceLocation arg2)
method_48745(class_2960 arg0, class_2960 arg1, class_2960 arg2)
layered(Identifier layer0, Identifier layer1, Identifier layer2)
m_372662_(C_5265_ p_378512_, C_5265_ p_377525_, C_5265_ p_378610_)
public static ResourceLocation
J(djn arg0)
getBlockTexture(Block arg0)
method_25860(class_2248 arg0)
getId(Block block)
m_373201_(C_1706_ p_378828_)
public static ResourceLocation
a(djn arg0, String arg1)
getBlockTexture(Block arg0, String arg1)
method_25866(class_2248 arg0, String arg1)
getSubId(Block block, String suffix)
m_372900_(C_1706_ p_376909_, String p_378602_)
public static ResourceLocation
c(cwm arg0)
getItemTexture(Item arg0)
method_25876(class_1792 arg0)
getId(Item item)
m_373122_(C_1381_ p_376204_)
public static ResourceLocation
a(cwm arg0, String arg1)
getItemTexture(Item arg0, String arg1)
method_25863(class_1792 arg0, String arg1)
getSubId(Item item, String suffix)
m_372146_(C_1381_ p_376530_, String p_375596_)