public class ComponentUtils


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
public static final String
public static final Component
public static final Component

Constructor summary

public ()

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public static MutableComponent
a(xq arg0, xz arg1)
mergeStyles(MutableComponent arg0, Style arg1)
method_10889(class_5250 arg0, class_2583 arg1)
setStyleIfAbsent(MutableText text, Style style)
public static Optional<MutableComponent>
a(ek arg0, Optional<xc> arg1, bwv arg2, int arg3)
updateForEntity(CommandSourceStack arg0, Optional<Component> arg1, Entity arg2, int arg3)
method_36330(class_2168 arg0, Optional<class_2561> arg1, class_1297 arg2, int arg3)
parse(ServerCommandSource source, Optional<Text> text, Entity sender, int depth)
public static MutableComponent
a(ek arg0, xc arg1, bwv arg2, int arg3)
updateForEntity(CommandSourceStack arg0, Component arg1, Entity arg2, int arg3)
method_10881(class_2168 arg0, class_2561 arg1, class_1297 arg2, int arg3)
parse(ServerCommandSource source, Text text, Entity sender, int depth)
private static Style
a(ek arg0, xz arg1, bwv arg2, int arg3)
resolveStyle(CommandSourceStack arg0, Style arg1, Entity arg2, int arg3)
method_27663(class_2168 arg0, class_2583 arg1, class_1297 arg2, int arg3)
parseStyle(ServerCommandSource source, Style style, Entity sender, int depth)
public static Component
a(Collection<String> arg0)
formatList(Collection<String> arg0)
method_10888(Collection<String> arg0)
joinOrdered(Collection<String> strings)
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> Component
a(Collection<T> arg0, Function<T, xc> arg1)
formatAndSortList(Collection<T> arg0, Function<T, Component> arg1)
method_10887(Collection<T> arg0, Function<T, class_2561> arg1)
joinOrdered(Collection<T> elements, Function<T, Text> transformer)
public static <T> Component
b(Collection<? extends T> arg0, Function<T, xc> arg1)
formatList(Collection<? extends T> arg0, Function<T, Component> arg1)
method_10884(Collection<? extends T> arg0, Function<T, class_2561> arg1)
join(Collection<? extends T> elements, Function<T, Text> transformer)
public static <T> MutableComponent
a(Collection<? extends T> arg0, Optional<? extends xc> arg1, Function<T, xc> arg2)
formatList(Collection<? extends T> arg0, Optional<? extends Component> arg1, Function<T, Component> arg2)
method_36331(Collection<? extends T> arg0, Optional<? extends class_2561> arg1, Function<T, class_2561> arg2)
join(Collection<? extends T> elements, Optional<? extends Text> separator, Function<T, Text> transformer)
public static Component
a(Collection<? extends xc> arg0, xc arg1)
formatList(Collection<? extends Component> arg0, Component arg1)
method_37112(Collection<? extends class_2561> arg0, class_2561 arg1)
join(Collection<? extends Text> texts, Text separator)
public static <T> MutableComponent
a(Collection<? extends T> arg0, xc arg1, Function<T, xc> arg2)
formatList(Collection<? extends T> arg0, Component arg1, Function<T, Component> arg2)
method_36332(Collection<? extends T> arg0, class_2561 arg1, Function<T, class_2561> arg2)
join(Collection<? extends T> elements, Text separator, Function<T, Text> transformer)
public static MutableComponent
a(xc arg0)
wrapInSquareBrackets(Component arg0)
method_10885(class_2561 arg0)
bracketed(Text text)
public static Component
a(com.mojang.brigadier.Message arg0)
fromMessage(com.mojang.brigadier.Message arg0)
method_10883(com.mojang.brigadier.Message arg0)
toText(com.mojang.brigadier.Message message)
public static boolean
b(xc arg0)
isTranslationResolvable(Component arg0)
method_43476(class_2561 arg0)
hasTranslation(Text text)
public static MutableComponent
a(String arg0)
copyOnClickText(String arg0)
method_47523(String arg0)
bracketedCopyable(String string)