
public class ItemCommands


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
static final com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.Dynamic3CommandExceptionType
static final com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.Dynamic3CommandExceptionType
static final com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.DynamicCommandExceptionType
private static final com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.DynamicCommandExceptionType
private static final com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.DynamicCommandExceptionType
private static final com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.Dynamic2CommandExceptionType
private static final com.mojang.brigadier.suggestion.SuggestionProvider<CommandSourceStack>

Constructor summary

public ()

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public static void
a(com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher<ek> arg0, eg arg1)
register(com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher<CommandSourceStack> arg0, CommandBuildContext arg1)
method_32707(com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher<class_2168> arg0, class_7157 arg1)
register(com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher<ServerCommandSource> dispatcher, CommandRegistryAccess commandRegistryAccess)
private static int
a(ek arg0, iw arg1, int arg2, jg<fbx> arg3)
modifyBlockItem(CommandSourceStack arg0, BlockPos arg1, int arg2, Holder<LootItemFunction> arg3)
method_32718(class_2168 arg0, class_2338 arg1, int arg2, class_6880<class_117> arg3)
executeBlockModify(ServerCommandSource source, BlockPos pos, int slot, RegistryEntry<LootFunction> lootFunction)
private static int
a(ek arg0, Collection<? extends bwv> arg1, int arg2, jg<fbx> arg3)
modifyEntityItem(CommandSourceStack arg0, Collection<? extends Entity> arg1, int arg2, Holder<LootItemFunction> arg3)
method_32725(class_2168 arg0, Collection<? extends class_1297> arg1, int arg2, class_6880<class_117> arg3)
executeEntityModify(ServerCommandSource source, Collection<? extends Entity> targets, int slot, RegistryEntry<LootFunction> lootFunction)
private static int
a(ek arg0, iw arg1, int arg2, daa arg3)
setBlockItem(CommandSourceStack arg0, BlockPos arg1, int arg2, ItemStack arg3)
method_32717(class_2168 arg0, class_2338 arg1, int arg2, class_1799 arg3)
executeBlockReplace(ServerCommandSource source, BlockPos pos, int slot, ItemStack stack)
static Container
a(ek arg0, iw arg1, com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.Dynamic3CommandExceptionType arg2)
getContainer(CommandSourceStack arg0, BlockPos arg1, com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.Dynamic3CommandExceptionType arg2)
method_32723(class_2168 arg0, class_2338 arg1, com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.Dynamic3CommandExceptionType arg2)
getInventoryAtPos(ServerCommandSource source, BlockPos pos, com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.Dynamic3CommandExceptionType exception)
private static int
a(ek arg0, Collection<? extends bwv> arg1, int arg2, daa arg3)
setEntityItem(CommandSourceStack arg0, Collection<? extends Entity> arg1, int arg2, ItemStack arg3)
method_32724(class_2168 arg0, Collection<? extends class_1297> arg1, int arg2, class_1799 arg3)
executeEntityReplace(ServerCommandSource source, Collection<? extends Entity> targets, int slot, ItemStack stack)
private static int
a(ek arg0, iw arg1, int arg2, Collection<? extends bwv> arg3, int arg4)
blockToEntities(CommandSourceStack arg0, BlockPos arg1, int arg2, Collection<? extends Entity> arg3, int arg4)
method_32721(class_2168 arg0, class_2338 arg1, int arg2, Collection<? extends class_1297> arg3, int arg4)
executeEntityCopyBlock(ServerCommandSource source, BlockPos sourcePos, int sourceSlot, Collection<? extends Entity> targets, int slot)
private static int
a(ek arg0, iw arg1, int arg2, Collection<? extends bwv> arg3, int arg4, jg<fbx> arg5)
blockToEntities(CommandSourceStack arg0, BlockPos arg1, int arg2, Collection<? extends Entity> arg3, int arg4, Holder<LootItemFunction> arg5)
method_32722(class_2168 arg0, class_2338 arg1, int arg2, Collection<? extends class_1297> arg3, int arg4, class_6880<class_117> arg5)
executeEntityCopyBlock(ServerCommandSource source, BlockPos sourcePos, int sourceSlot, Collection<? extends Entity> targets, int slot, RegistryEntry<LootFunction> lootFunction)
private static int
a(ek arg0, iw arg1, int arg2, iw arg3, int arg4)
blockToBlock(CommandSourceStack arg0, BlockPos arg1, int arg2, BlockPos arg3, int arg4)
method_32719(class_2168 arg0, class_2338 arg1, int arg2, class_2338 arg3, int arg4)
executeBlockCopyBlock(ServerCommandSource source, BlockPos sourcePos, int sourceSlot, BlockPos pos, int slot)
private static int
a(ek arg0, iw arg1, int arg2, iw arg3, int arg4, jg<fbx> arg5)
blockToBlock(CommandSourceStack arg0, BlockPos arg1, int arg2, BlockPos arg3, int arg4, Holder<LootItemFunction> arg5)
method_32720(class_2168 arg0, class_2338 arg1, int arg2, class_2338 arg3, int arg4, class_6880<class_117> arg5)
executeBlockCopyBlock(ServerCommandSource source, BlockPos sourcePos, int sourceSlot, BlockPos pos, int slot, RegistryEntry<LootFunction> lootFunction)
private static int
a(ek arg0, bwv arg1, int arg2, iw arg3, int arg4)
entityToBlock(CommandSourceStack arg0, Entity arg1, int arg2, BlockPos arg3, int arg4)
method_32711(class_2168 arg0, class_1297 arg1, int arg2, class_2338 arg3, int arg4)
executeBlockCopyEntity(ServerCommandSource source, Entity sourceEntity, int sourceSlot, BlockPos pos, int slot)
private static int
a(ek arg0, bwv arg1, int arg2, iw arg3, int arg4, jg<fbx> arg5)
entityToBlock(CommandSourceStack arg0, Entity arg1, int arg2, BlockPos arg3, int arg4, Holder<LootItemFunction> arg5)
method_32712(class_2168 arg0, class_1297 arg1, int arg2, class_2338 arg3, int arg4, class_6880<class_117> arg5)
executeBlockCopyEntity(ServerCommandSource source, Entity sourceEntity, int sourceSlot, BlockPos pos, int slot, RegistryEntry<LootFunction> lootFunction)
private static int
a(ek arg0, bwv arg1, int arg2, Collection<? extends bwv> arg3, int arg4)
entityToEntities(CommandSourceStack arg0, Entity arg1, int arg2, Collection<? extends Entity> arg3, int arg4)
method_32713(class_2168 arg0, class_1297 arg1, int arg2, Collection<? extends class_1297> arg3, int arg4)
executeEntityCopyEntity(ServerCommandSource source, Entity sourceEntity, int sourceSlot, Collection<? extends Entity> targets, int slot)
private static int
a(ek arg0, bwv arg1, int arg2, Collection<? extends bwv> arg3, int arg4, jg<fbx> arg5)
entityToEntities(CommandSourceStack arg0, Entity arg1, int arg2, Collection<? extends Entity> arg3, int arg4, Holder<LootItemFunction> arg5)
method_32714(class_2168 arg0, class_1297 arg1, int arg2, Collection<? extends class_1297> arg3, int arg4, class_6880<class_117> arg5)
executeEntityCopyEntity(ServerCommandSource source, Entity sourceEntity, int sourceSlot, Collection<? extends Entity> targets, int slot, RegistryEntry<LootFunction> lootFunction)
private static ItemStack
a(ek arg0, jg<fbx> arg1, daa arg2)
applyModifier(CommandSourceStack arg0, Holder<LootItemFunction> arg1, ItemStack arg2)
method_32715(class_2168 arg0, class_6880<class_117> arg1, class_1799 arg2)
getStackWithModifier(ServerCommandSource source, RegistryEntry<LootFunction> lootFunction, ItemStack stack)
private static ItemStack
a(bwv arg0, int arg1)
getEntityItem(Entity arg0, int arg1)
method_32706(class_1297 arg0, int arg1)
getStackInSlot(Entity entity, int slotId)
private static ItemStack
a(ek arg0, iw arg1, int arg2)
getBlockItem(CommandSourceStack arg0, BlockPos arg1, int arg2)
method_32716(class_2168 arg0, class_2338 arg1, int arg2)
getStackInSlotFromInventoryAt(ServerCommandSource source, BlockPos pos, int slotId)