public class ChorusFlowerBlock

extends Block

All mapped superinterfaces:



Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
public static final IntegerProperty
private final ChorusPlantBlock

Constructor summary

protected (ChorusPlantBlock plantBlock, Block$Properties settings)

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public void
a(byj arg0, xd arg1, fk arg2, Random arg3)
tick(BlockState arg0, ServerLevel arg1, BlockPos arg2, Random arg3)
method_9588(class_2680 arg0, class_3218 arg1, class_2338 arg2, Random arg3)
scheduledTick(BlockState arg0, ServerWorld arg1, BlockPos arg2, Random arg3)
func_225534_a_(BlockState arg0, ServerWorld arg1, BlockPos arg2, Random arg3)
tick(IBlockData arg0, WorldServer arg1, BlockPosition arg2, Random arg3)
private void
b(bjw arg0, fk arg1, int arg2)
placeGrownFlower(Level arg0, BlockPos arg1, int arg2)
method_9745(class_1937 arg0, class_2338 arg1, int arg2)
grow(World world, BlockPos pos, int age)
func_185602_a(World arg0, BlockPos arg1, int arg2)
private void
a(bjw arg0, fk arg1)
placeDeadFlower(Level arg0, BlockPos arg1)
method_9747(class_1937 arg0, class_2338 arg1)
die(World world, BlockPos pos)
func_185605_c(World arg0, BlockPos arg1)
private static boolean
b(bjz arg0, fk arg1, fp arg2)
allNeighborsEmpty(LevelReader arg0, BlockPos arg1, Direction arg2)
method_9746(class_4538 arg0, class_2338 arg1, class_2350 arg2)
isSurroundedByAir(WorldView arg0, BlockPos pos, Direction exceptDirection)
func_185604_a(IWorldReader arg0, BlockPos arg1, Direction arg2)
public BlockState
a(byj arg0, fp arg1, byj arg2, bjx arg3, fk arg4, fk arg5)
updateShape(BlockState arg0, Direction arg1, BlockState arg2, LevelAccessor arg3, BlockPos arg4, BlockPos arg5)
method_9559(class_2680 arg0, class_2350 arg1, class_2680 arg2, class_1936 arg3, class_2338 arg4, class_2338 arg5)
getStateForNeighborUpdate(BlockState arg0, Direction arg1, BlockState arg2, IWorld arg3, BlockPos arg4, BlockPos arg5)
func_196271_a(BlockState arg0, Direction arg1, BlockState arg2, IWorld arg3, BlockPos arg4, BlockPos arg5)
updateState(IBlockData arg0, EnumDirection arg1, IBlockData arg2, GeneratorAccess arg3, BlockPosition arg4, BlockPosition arg5)
public boolean
a(byj arg0, bjz arg1, fk arg2)
canSurvive(BlockState arg0, LevelReader arg1, BlockPos arg2)
method_9558(class_2680 arg0, class_4538 arg1, class_2338 arg2)
canPlaceAt(BlockState arg0, WorldView arg1, BlockPos arg2)
func_196260_a(BlockState arg0, IWorldReader arg1, BlockPos arg2)
canPlace(IBlockData arg0, IWorldReader arg1, BlockPosition arg2)
protected void
a(byk$a<bph, byj> arg0)
createBlockStateDefinition(StateDefinition$Builder<Block, BlockState> arg0)
method_9515(class_2689$class_2690<class_2248, class_2680> arg0)
appendProperties(StateManager$Builder<Block, BlockState> arg0)
func_206840_a(StateContainer$Builder<Block, BlockState> arg0)
public static void
a(bjx arg0, fk arg1, Random arg2, int arg3)
generatePlant(LevelAccessor arg0, BlockPos arg1, Random arg2, int arg3)
method_9744(class_1936 arg0, class_2338 arg1, Random arg2, int arg3)
generate(IWorld world, BlockPos pos, Random random, int size)
func_185603_a(IWorld arg0, BlockPos arg1, Random arg2, int arg3)
private static void
a(bjx arg0, fk arg1, Random arg2, fk arg3, int arg4, int arg5)
growTreeRecursive(LevelAccessor arg0, BlockPos arg1, Random arg2, BlockPos arg3, int arg4, int arg5)
method_9748(class_1936 arg0, class_2338 arg1, Random arg2, class_2338 arg3, int arg4, int arg5)
generate(IWorld world, BlockPos pos, Random random, BlockPos rootPos, int size, int layer)
func_185601_a(IWorld arg0, BlockPos arg1, Random arg2, BlockPos arg3, int arg4, int arg5)
public void
a(bjw arg0, byj arg1, cvg arg2, akq arg3)
onProjectileHit(Level arg0, BlockState arg1, BlockHitResult arg2, Entity arg3)
method_19286(class_1937 arg0, class_2680 arg1, class_3965 arg2, class_1297 arg3)
onProjectileHit(World arg0, BlockState arg1, BlockHitResult arg2, Entity arg3)
func_220066_a(World arg0, BlockState arg1, BlockRayTraceResult arg2, Entity arg3)