public class BedBlock

extends HorizontalDirectionalBlock implements EntityBlock

All mapped superinterfaces:

FeatureElement, ItemLike, EntityBlock


Field summary

Modifier and TypeField
public static final com.mojang.serialization.MapCodec<BedBlock>
public static final EnumProperty<BedPart>
public static final BooleanProperty
private static final Map<Direction, VoxelShape>
private final DyeColor

Constructor summary

public (DyeColor color, BlockBehaviour$Properties settings)

Method summary

Modifier and TypeMethod
public com.mojang.serialization.MapCodec<BedBlock>
public static Direction
a(dhv arg0, iu arg1)
getBedOrientation(BlockGetter arg0, BlockPos arg1)
method_18476(class_1922 arg0, class_2338 arg1)
getDirection(BlockView world, BlockPos pos)
protected InteractionResult
a(dzo arg0, dip arg1, iu arg2, cqs arg3, fds arg4)
useWithoutItem(BlockState arg0, Level arg1, BlockPos arg2, Player arg3, BlockHitResult arg4)
method_55766(class_2680 arg0, class_1937 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_1657 arg3, class_3965 arg4)
onUse(BlockState arg0, World arg1, BlockPos arg2, PlayerEntity arg3, BlockHitResult arg4)
public static boolean
a(dip arg0)
canSetSpawn(Level arg0)
method_27352(class_1937 arg0)
isBedWorking(World world)
private boolean
a(dip arg0, iu arg1)
kickVillagerOutOfBed(Level arg0, BlockPos arg1)
method_22357(class_1937 arg0, class_2338 arg1)
wakeVillager(World world, BlockPos pos)
public void
a(dip arg0, dzo arg1, iu arg2, bwa arg3, double arg4)
fallOn(Level arg0, BlockState arg1, BlockPos arg2, Entity arg3, double arg4)
method_9554(class_1937 arg0, class_2680 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_1297 arg3, double arg4)
onLandedUpon(World arg0, BlockState arg1, BlockPos arg2, Entity arg3, double arg4)
public void
a(dhv arg0, bwa arg1)
updateEntityMovementAfterFallOn(BlockGetter arg0, Entity arg1)
method_9502(class_1922 arg0, class_1297 arg1)
onEntityLand(BlockView arg0, Entity arg1)
private void
a(bwa arg0)
bounceUp(Entity arg0)
method_21838(class_1297 arg0)
bounceEntity(Entity entity)
protected BlockState
a(dzo arg0, dis arg1, dje arg2, iu arg3, ja arg4, iu arg5, dzo arg6, azt arg7)
updateShape(BlockState arg0, LevelReader arg1, ScheduledTickAccess arg2, BlockPos arg3, Direction arg4, BlockPos arg5, BlockState arg6, RandomSource arg7)
method_9559(class_2680 arg0, class_4538 arg1, class_10225 arg2, class_2338 arg3, class_2350 arg4, class_2338 arg5, class_2680 arg6, class_5819 arg7)
getStateForNeighborUpdate(BlockState arg0, WorldView arg1, ScheduledTickView arg2, BlockPos arg3, Direction arg4, BlockPos arg5, BlockState arg6, Random arg7)
private static Direction
a(eab arg0, ja arg1)
getNeighbourDirection(BedPart arg0, Direction arg1)
method_9488(class_2742 arg0, class_2350 arg1)
getDirectionTowardsOtherPart(BedPart part, Direction direction)
public BlockState
a(dip arg0, iu arg1, dzo arg2, cqs arg3)
playerWillDestroy(Level arg0, BlockPos arg1, BlockState arg2, Player arg3)
method_9576(class_1937 arg0, class_2338 arg1, class_2680 arg2, class_1657 arg3)
onBreak(World arg0, BlockPos arg1, BlockState arg2, PlayerEntity arg3)
public BlockState
a(dcl arg0)
getStateForPlacement(BlockPlaceContext arg0)
method_9605(class_1750 arg0)
getPlacementState(ItemPlacementContext arg0)
protected VoxelShape
a(dzo arg0, dhv arg1, iu arg2, feb arg3)
getShape(BlockState arg0, BlockGetter arg1, BlockPos arg2, CollisionContext arg3)
method_9530(class_2680 arg0, class_1922 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_3726 arg3)
getOutlineShape(BlockState arg0, BlockView arg1, BlockPos arg2, ShapeContext arg3)
public static Direction
h(dzo arg0)
getConnectedDirection(BlockState arg0)
method_24163(class_2680 arg0)
getOppositePartDirection(BlockState state)
public static DoubleBlockCombiner$BlockType
i(dzo arg0)
getBlockType(BlockState arg0)
method_24164(class_2680 arg0)
getBedPart(BlockState state)
private static boolean
b(dhv arg0, iu arg1)
isBunkBed(BlockGetter arg0, BlockPos arg1)
method_30839(class_1922 arg0, class_2338 arg1)
isBedBelow(BlockView world, BlockPos pos)
public static Optional<Vec3>
a(bwj<?> arg0, dhz arg1, iu arg2, ja arg3, float arg4)
findStandUpPosition(EntityType<?> arg0, CollisionGetter arg1, BlockPos arg2, Direction arg3, float arg4)
method_9484(class_1299<?> arg0, class_1941 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_2350 arg3, float arg4)
findWakeUpPosition(EntityType<?> type, CollisionView world, BlockPos pos, Direction bedDirection, float spawnAngle)
private static Optional<Vec3>
a(bwj<?> arg0, dhz arg1, iu arg2, ja arg3, ja arg4)
findBunkBedStandUpPosition(EntityType<?> arg0, CollisionGetter arg1, BlockPos arg2, Direction arg3, Direction arg4)
method_30835(class_1299<?> arg0, class_1941 arg1, class_2338 arg2, class_2350 arg3, class_2350 arg4)
findWakeUpPosition(EntityType<?> type, CollisionView world, BlockPos pos, Direction bedDirection, Direction respawnDirection)
private static Optional<Vec3>
a(bwj<?> arg0, dhz arg1, iu arg2, int[][] arg3, boolean arg4)
findStandUpPositionAtOffset(EntityType<?> arg0, CollisionGetter arg1, BlockPos arg2, int[][] arg3, boolean arg4)
method_30836(class_1299<?> arg0, class_1941 arg1, class_2338 arg2, int[][] arg3, boolean arg4)
findWakeUpPosition(EntityType<?> type, CollisionView world, BlockPos pos, int[][] possibleOffsets, boolean ignoreInvalidPos)
protected void
a(dzp$a<dlu, dzo> arg0)
createBlockStateDefinition(StateDefinition$Builder<Block, BlockState> arg0)
method_9515(class_2689$class_2690<class_2248, class_2680> arg0)
appendProperties(StateManager$Builder<Block, BlockState> arg0)
public BlockEntity
a(iu arg0, dzo arg1)
newBlockEntity(BlockPos arg0, BlockState arg1)
method_10123(class_2338 arg0, class_2680 arg1)
createBlockEntity(BlockPos arg0, BlockState arg1)
public void
a(dip arg0, iu arg1, dzo arg2, bwz arg3, cys arg4)
setPlacedBy(Level arg0, BlockPos arg1, BlockState arg2, LivingEntity arg3, ItemStack arg4)
method_9567(class_1937 arg0, class_2338 arg1, class_2680 arg2, class_1309 arg3, class_1799 arg4)
onPlaced(World arg0, BlockPos arg1, BlockState arg2, LivingEntity arg3, ItemStack arg4)
public DyeColor
protected long
a(dzo arg0, iu arg1)
getSeed(BlockState arg0, BlockPos arg1)
method_9535(class_2680 arg0, class_2338 arg1)
getRenderingSeed(BlockState arg0, BlockPos arg1)
protected boolean
a(dzo arg0, ewk arg1)
isPathfindable(BlockState arg0, PathComputationType arg1)
method_9516(class_2680 arg0, class_10 arg1)
canPathfindThrough(BlockState arg0, NavigationType arg1)
private static int[][]
a(ja arg0, ja arg1)
bedStandUpOffsets(Direction arg0, Direction arg1)
method_30838(class_2350 arg0, class_2350 arg1)
getAroundAndOnBedOffsets(Direction bedDirection, Direction respawnDirection)
private static int[][]
b(ja arg0, ja arg1)
bedSurroundStandUpOffsets(Direction arg0, Direction arg1)
method_30840(class_2350 arg0, class_2350 arg1)
getAroundBedOffsets(Direction bedDirection, Direction respawnDirection)
private static int[][]
a(ja arg0)
bedAboveStandUpOffsets(Direction arg0)
method_30837(class_2350 arg0)
getOnBedOffsets(Direction bedDirection)